Chapter Fourteen - A Reunion of Lost Souls

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Burnham-on-Sea, England, May 1978

One hundred and thirty eight years had disintegrated into the past since the wormhole of time sucked the daughter of The First inside. To Summer it was like she had dove into the clear blue, shimmering waters of the tropics, only these waters were darker and alive with an energy she has only seen in severe thunderstorms.

She pushed her way through the tunnel, it was warm and stimulating against her skin. She felt a great rush of energy pass through her. Her body hummed with this intrusion as she flew through spirals of many colors, the combination of years blending together with the hands of acceleration.

Friction built up against her delicate frame and lightning shot out from the walls of the plasmatic burrow and struck Summer, tattering her clothes and singeing her flesh. She squealed at the pain and intense heat the bolts of electrons gave her and she wept, longing for the end of this stunning, yet hurtful passage to a new age.

At last, when she thought she could no longer handle the agony and the weariness it drove into her, a blinding splash of white light appeared around the next bend. Like a stone in a slingshot, she flew into the white light at great speed. Her exit was short and solid as the hardwood floor met up with her. The portal poofed into nothingness behind her. Screams sounded out somewhere in the room at the intruder who had mysteriously entered their room without using the door.

Summer turned around to find a newlywed couple in bed on their honeymoon. She quickly apologized and ran out into the hallway where she leaned up against the wall to catch her breath and calm her nerves.

Soft light spilled down from the light fixtures above her head and she freaked when she found it resting upon her skin, for she was certain the sun had unveiled her whereabouts and was working to destroy her after all this time. After a few moments, which felt longer than they were, she began to breathe more easily, realizing the light was in no way harmful to her.

She removed the glasses and marveled at the brilliant objects with a curiosity she never felt. She wondered how they all worked and who the genius was that had come up with such a remarkable idea. Her head swam with many more questions and at times they fused together so she could not discern one from the other. But there were questions she concentrated on the most like: Where was her family? Where was she? Was she still in England? How many things had changed while she was away? What year was she in? The latter question was the first answer she was to receive, for when she remembered what Lebyn had told her about sending the device back to him, she looked at the wrist band with the digital display screen and found the year 1978 flashing in bold type.

She removed the band from her arm and set it and the glasses on the floor. She stared at the keypad that had grey buttons with letters or numbers painted on them and punched in the date and time that she had left. She backed away from the arm band, waiting for an immense light show to signal it was working but nothing happened. Carefully she tiptoed back to the contraption and reexamined the information again. Everything was correct as far as she could tell but now there was something else flashing on the pale grey screen: PRESS ENTER TO VERIFY; is what the screen told her to do.

On the very bottom on the right hand side of the keypad, was a long, oval button with the word ENTER underneath it. With a shaky hand she pressed it and jumped back when the doctor’s invention became covered with the same goo and electrical storm she had been coated with, and disappeared leaving a cloud of smoke behind.

She glanced around the hall for anyone that might be around, and seeing she was alone, transferred herself to a dark alley a few blocks away. Suspiciously, she crept to the edge of the alley to the sidewalk where she was taken back at everything she saw and heard. There were loud noises coming from awkward contraptions with metal bodies and black round things for feet. As they sped by, she noticed people sitting inside them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2011 ⏰

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