I remember it like it was yesterday he was standing there the teacher was introducing him to the class. "Now everyone I want you to make Jonathan feel welcome" Mr James had said. He had dirty blond hair and green eyes. He looked innocent but bad at the same time like he had secrets, deep secrets ones that were killing him on the inside. He looked kind of interesting. "Now class Jonathan has just moved her from England" I remember the teacher saying. I had a boyfriend at this time that's how Jonathan and I started talking. My boyfriends name was Keith I don't know what I saw in him looking back at it now aha typical teenage love. I remember Keith introducing him to me....
"Babe come here there's someone I want you to meet" he yelled out to me. I walked over to them. "So who's this guy you want me to meet?" I had said. "This guy Keith he's invited us to his party wanna come?" "Yeah babe anyway Keith can I speak to you?" I had asked Keith "k babes talk to me" he had said "well it's been 5 months and we haven't even gone on a date so I was wondering if we co-" he cut me off. "Baby I know what your gonna say but no we can go on a date what happens if me and you break up? People will think we're still dating because they saw me on a date with you" he had said saying it as if I would be perfectly fine I pretend like I was but deep down I was dying inside I couldn't believe we haven't been on our second date. I had, had my birthday a month before this and he got me nothing. At Jonathan's birthday I had a lot to drink but I wasn't drunk. Most people were and Keith was one of them. Even though he was drunk I didn't think he would cheat on me especially not with Alexia. Keith hates Alexia but he'd always said he thought she was sexy he had even said it to me. Everyone was enjoying there selves. But through the corner of my eye I could see Jonathan sitting there a drink in his hand you could see how sad he was just by looking at his face. I walked over and started a conversation with him. He wasn't one of those boys who think all that matters is popularity he was more than that. We talked for a long time to a few months had passed and we had become best friends I wanted to go to college and become an actress he wanted to become a writer he loved poetry we would email each other every night.
JUNE 15 2:06 am
TO: Jonathan
Hey R u up? I can't sleep.
JUNE 15 2:09 am
TO: Kate
I wasn't but I am now. What's keeping u awake?
JUNE 15 2:11 am
TO: Jonathan
Oh sorry 2 wake u.
And I can't stop thinking about Keith.....
JUNE 15 2:16 am
TO: Kate
No don't worry if u texted me at 5 I would answer anything for u.
What about Keith? Did something happen?
JUNE 15 2:22 am
TO: Jonathan
Well yeah but it doesn't matter I think I will try to get sleep now night.
JUNE 15 2.26 am
TO: Kate
JUNE 15 2:31
JUNE 15 2:34
When there's no were to turn you can look for me
I will make your night full of glee
When the see has no sand
I will alway be your man....
U can count on me Kate
I will always be ur mate
JUNE 15 2:38
TO: Jonathan
Thank u. U really did feel my night with glee. Night Jonathan.....Thanks for reading my first chapter!! If you can't tell yet it's basically a lady talking about how she met the guy she loves when she was younger anyway this is the second story I've wrote and I'm not and Adult so I'm not to good anyway please checkout my other story city girl! I'm hoping I will upload about 3 chapters a week anyway thanks again for reading!
PS: please recommend some books for me to read they can be ones that you have wrote! Xx

Lost love
Romance'He looked innocent but bad at the same time like he had secrets, deep secrets ones that were killing him on the inside'