Praise for Super Dark

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“First thing first this South London raised woman can write a book! Tanith Morse has left me waiting and wanting more more more! Super Dark is her first YA novel so far but I am here to say that I CANNOT WAIT for Super Dark two” Nikki’s Book Blog

“Your book left me begging for more of your work! The book had equal parts romance, mystery, and horror, simply amazing. I loved the chemistry that Samantha and Elliot have together, flawless” Amazon Review

This book was a total surprise. Super Dark is a sensational read from start to finish. With a first-class writing style throughout, Super Dark contains a marvelous plot to keep you intrigued from beginning to end. On the whole this was a magnificent read” Goodreads Review

“I loved discovering the secrets and reading as Sam figured it all out. It was a very interesting book and had a brand new supernatural creature in it, at least new to me. Major cliff-hanger ending” YA Teen Readers Book Blog

“4.5 Stars. A brilliant paranormal romance for Older YA. This is different to most books I have read, the premise is unusual and the book screeches at you from the start, like nails down a blackboard” Goodreads Review

“This is literally one of those can't put it down books. I was completely enthralled and I will definitely purchase the next book when it comes out!!!” Amazon Review

“I could not put this book down, I ended up staying up late one night to finish it. I can't wait for the next book. It was so refreshing for the supernatural to be something different from most everything else out there” Goodreads Review

“Can't wait for the sequel!! I am literally checking every day for the release date of part 2. Great story and keep the books coming!!!” Amazon Review

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