Pale pov
" holy goodness! Holy goodness! HOLY FUCKIN GOODNESS!" I was paceing around in my room still try to find what happen was real...
-flash back-
He leaned in and filled the gap soon atfer he pulled away saying something then leaving me stunned..............................."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY FIRST KISS WAS WITH A STANGER NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I was freakn the FUCK out! this can't be happening THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!-end-
Ok...ok clam down breath in....breath realize you loss your first kiss to someone you barely know....'why me WHY?!¿!' "I hope i don't see him EVER AGAIN!!!"" ouch that hurt" i wipped my head around to see him standing on a branch right next to my window the tree i use to go get snacks late at night when i'm feeling sad or longly ' hey! Don't ask...' "WHAT THE HEL!?! WHEN DID YOU-" "I followed you here can i come in? I have 2 choolate bars" "NO! I don't give a flying rat ass on what you have now OUT!" i took some randon notebook and though it at him -clamp- 'yes! I got him' -thud- 'that's what you get perv-' -DING DONG!!!
"ooh we have i visiter~" my mom loved haveing guest over "pale your friend here~" 'FRIEND? What friend' i went downstairs and saw HIM " was sup pale?"he played it off " what's up is YOU falling down!" (get it hahahhahhahahha....haha? No... anyone.....fine.....) He narrowed his eyes " haha funny good one but what's this?" He held up my dairy
'OH SHIT ' Without thinking i REALLY rushed over " MY DAIRY GIMME IT CHIRS!" tears welled up in my eyes because i held everything that i felt in there " why should i? You though it at me remember" now tears are steaming down and he's really close to me "please....chirs g-give it back to me..."
Chirs pov
He's-he's crying! I feel sooo bad and gulity " pale..." I cupped his face leaned in and..........."GOT IT! YES!" 'huh'Pale pov
Lol i've got it YES 'phew-' i death glared him " your an butthole you know that" he give me a sly smile and pulled out two candy bars " yeah but i'm YOUR butthole " " what ever dork "

candy from a stanger...
Teen FictionSometime it's best to listen to momma.... speaicaly when you need it...