First day

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Wow Monday was amazing. I haven't gotten them out of my head. My love.i still believe it try we're so beautiful. When I saw em my heart was beating so fast and my breath hitched and everything. And tomorrow I get to see'em. Yes can't wait I even went about shopping trying to look perfect. I mean I don't look to bad but I'm not the best looking mate. Oh shit! I hope the don't think i'm quir for having an strong British accent. They'll probably think ima freak or something like that. But Anyways I just pass that thought over my head cause I can't think of it. I realize its 11pm so I decide to try and get some decent sleep for tomorrow.

"Hey Louis time to get up hon your going to be late."

"Uhhhh five more minutes. "

"If you get up now i'll make your favorite. "

"Carrots and yogurt! "

"Just for you hon".

"Ok I'm up and dressing. " I know I'm extremely weird but I have an obsession for carrots. Plus it goes with yogurt so I made it breakfast and a snack yeah. So I get up and start to get ready I walk into my bathroom and throw some cold water in my face and fix my hair I just decide to brush it a little but leave it down and fine. Then I walk back into my room and put on a plain grey t-shirt with a black vest with a hoodie over it. Then some black skinny jeans an pull over my black chucks. Then I head downstairs. I tap all my sisters head and walk in my seat eating up my yogurt with carrots. I finish and head out the door. It's about 7:15am.

"Ok bye mum I'm going to walk love you haw a great day at work. "

"Thanks hon see you after I get off have a great day." I wave to all them after kissing all my sisters on the head and my mum on the cheek and head to walk. While I walk I just listen to my iPod. Lego house,the A-team,hey there Delilah,closer,down,and as long as you love me. All my favorite songs and I walk fast and the school is only about 15 min away so I arrive there around 7:35 and who do I bump into. Dave.

"Hey bro how you doin".

"Pretty good and you. "

"Alright why don't I take you to the office and we can get you your classes."

"Ok sounds good to me and thanks. "

"Well hey what are best buds for right?"

"We're best buds? It's the first day ".

"Yeah but you seem chill and you were pretty nice to me on monday so yea. Unless you don't want someone to guide you around and welcome you."

"Oh yeah please we're best friends thanks Dave lets go. " so we proceed to the main office and I tell them my name.

"Hello young people what's up?" Really there that chill they just say 'whats up'. Anyways I tell them why I'm there.

"Well I just moved here and I need my classes please ".

"Oh ok then what's your name please."

"Louis William Tomlinson ".

"Ok yep here you are is this your your guide or what. " she asks jokingly.

"You bet were already best buds so ima help him around. "

"Well lucky you you guys have 3 classes together the others sadly all alone with ...... Zayn". And she frowns. Why did she frown he must be a bully or something I'll somehow stay away from him I'll just look for my love.

"Oh shit! Bro your screwed I feel sorry for you hopefully cause your new he won't smash your face into the ground." And he smirks lightly the lady just nods and walks away from here desk. Even the teachers hate him. Weird he must be a real pain in the arse.

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