Imagine for JenniXCX

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AN: I am not going to  put prompt here since its very detailed which I love. Enjoy!


Jennifer's POV

"You just have to get a medical checkup to join the team. We've already checked your records and you are clear but you just need to get the medical done which includes a physical and dental. You can go to our team doctor, his name is Michael and his nurse's name is Ashton" Louis explained. You are probably confused about what Louis is talking about so let me explain. I basically just joined FC Barcelona the youth academy and I was talking to the head coach, Niall Horan. He referred me to Louis who is a fitness trainer. He checked my medical records and told me that I am due for a dental and a physical and I have to get that done before they let me play. Louis just gave me the information so I am leaving. "You can go today" Louis said. "Ok thanks. Coach Horan and I'll get the new records to you by tomorrow" I told them. They nodded and we said our good bye's and I exited the building and drove to where Louis set up the appointments for me. It's a hospital called North Shore. (AN: It's real BTW if you dont know) I entered the sanitary smelling place and went up to the front desk. "Um Hi, yeah Louis Tomlinson sent me here for a physical and a dental checkup" I told her as I slipped her the piece of paper the Louis told me to give to her since this was special request. He said that the hospital had to take their requests immediately because of the importance of the team. "oh yes, Mr. Tomlinson talked to me about this. You can just go into exam room #1 where Dr. Clifford is. He is the one who does the check up for your fellow team mates too. The room is right there" The receptionist said pointing to where the room was. "Ok Thank You" I said and walked to the room nervously stepping in. 

"Hi, you must be Jennifer. I am Dr.Clifford but you can call me Michael. Dr. Clifford makes me sound so old" He said chuckling and shaking my hand. I just nervously nodded. "Ok why don't you take a seat on the bed and we'll start" Michael said. I nodded again and took a seat on the bed. "Look infront of me" He said and I followed his finger with my eyes while he shined the light in my eyes. "I am just going to look inside your ears. Is that ok?" He asked trying to make me feel comfortable probably when he noticed how nervous I was. "Yea" I replied and he checked my ears and throat. He listened to my heart and lungs, checked my nose, took my pulse and blood pressure. He just had to check my stomach and reflexes now. "Can you lie down for me?" He asked and I shook my head to nervous that it'll hurt. "Sweets, stay here. I am just going to get my nurse" Michael said. I didn't reply to him and he exited the room coming back with someone else after 5 minutes. "Hi, my name is Ashton" He said and sat beside me. "Jennifer, love, I promise it wont hurt. I'll even hold your hand if it makes you feel better" Ashtonl explained. "Ok" I said and laid down when Ashton moved off the bed. He stood by my head and held my hands and Michael lifted my shirt and started to press on it. "Does this hurt?" Michael asked while pushing on my right side. I shook my head 'no' and he pulled my shirt down and let me up. He came towards me with this hammer kind of thing and started hitting it lightly on my knees and arms. "You are all done. Everything looks good and you just need 2 hots and a blood test" Ashton said. "Can we please not do it?" I pleaded. "Jennifer, you need to have them done to be able to join the team" Michael said and I nodded thinking about me becoming a star. "Good" Ashton said and prepared the needles and got the supplies for the blood work. Ashton then comes and sits besides me while Michael starts doing the blood test. I didnt feel it too much but he got it done. "On 3" Michael said and then inserted the needle for the shot. I just whimpered not liking the feeling but Ashton rubbed my back. He also got the second shot done and I was calm after that. "Thank you guys" I said and hugged them. I high-fived Michael and exited the room now going in the dentist wing of the hospital.

 I again went up to exam #1 and saw Dr. Calum there. "Hi, love. Just a check up today?" He asked and I nodded. "So Jennifer, you flossing everyday?" He asked. "Well, yeah" I say. "Hmmm someone is lying. I can tell that you floss only once a day" Dr. Calum said and I laughed and nodded. "Ok well if you would just lie back" He explained and I sat down in the chair. He reclined it and put a bib on me. He got his tools prepped and brought the mirror and the explorer over my mouth and also turned the light on. I sealed my lips and looked at him again. "Come on, love. You want to join the team right. Then you need to let me take a look at your teeth" He said. I opened my mouth quickly because the thought of not being on the team killed me. "Good job" Calum said and started checking my teeth. "Jennifer you take very good care of your teeth. You dont need a cleaning since you already got one recently. But I do think you need braces so let me call Luke in. He is an orthodontist." Calum told me. I nodded and he exited the room. Tears immediately found their way on my face and I couldn't control myself. Soon the door opened and Luke and Calum came in. "Hey hey hey, no need to cry. You want to be on the team don't you?" Calum asked and I nodded. "Open please" luke said. I complied and he started saying numbers out loud and Calum wrote them down. "Well Jennifer you do need braces so I'm just going to put them on now" he said. I just nodded ready to get this over with. He put a prop in my mouth and cleaned my teeth. Then he dried them off and applied the glue and brackets, he connected them with the wire and bam I was done. He just put clear braces on my teeth which I was happy for. "You're all done" luke and Calum said and took of my bib and putting the chair back up. "Thank you" I said. "No problem. Good luck on the team" He said. I nodded and exited the hospital. The next day I gave my updated records to Louis and I was allowed to play then..I am so blessed.

AN: Ok guys, I am sorry if this sucks. My first one was longer but then it got deleted so I had to write a new one which is this one. Thanks you guys so much for all the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it. I might not be able to update tomorrow since I will be really busy but I will try my best <3. Thank you. xxx.

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