Jealousy rising

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Val's pov
Today I have a job interview at a new restaurant in town. My parents are making me get a job because I need to start making money for college. I put on my button up and leave the house. Jenna is outside playing with her dog.
"Hey babe what are you looking nice for"
"Job interview, I'll see you later gorgeous"
"See ya" she said giving me a quick kiss. I go to the new restaurant. I walk in and see Janel standing there.
"Hey Val I didn't know you were going out for the job"
"Yeah I am" I say awkwardly.
"So you and that ugly piece of crap still together"
"Jenna isn't ugly she's beautiful and yes we are actually just yesterday we promised a marriage to each other"
"Oh wow congratulations, your life is ruined"
I roll my eyes and go sign in.

After being interview I found out I got the job. Sadly Janel got it too. I get back home and go to Jenna's house. I go up to her room.
"Hey how did that go" she asked me.
"I got the job" I say.
"Why do you sound so disappointed"
"Janel got the job too"
"Ugh she is so annoying, I hate her"
"Ok calm down baby"
"No that girl is always flirting with you and trying to get you to date her"
"Jennabug it never works, I love you and only you! There's not even another girl in the world that I can think about loving more than you"
"I love you too" she said smiling big. I wrap my arms around her and fall on the bed. We start having a make out sess.
"When do you start"
"I'll visit you tomorrow and see how your first day is going"
"Ok sounds like a plan baby girl" I say pushing her back on me.
The next day
I had to be at work at 12 pm. I put my uniform on and go to work. Janel is already there, her shirt is pulled low so her boobs are sticking out. Her skirt is pulled up high so it barely covers her butt.
"Hey Val you like the look"
"Not at all"
I walk away from her. I start talking to some of the guys that work here. I go to my first table and take their order. I come back with their drinks. It was already 1:30 and my break was at 3. I see some of my friends at a table in my section. It was only Jenna, Mark, and Witney. I go over and Jenna gets up. I give her a passionate kiss. She sits back down.
"What do you want to drink"
"Coke" Witney says.
"Dr. Pepper" Mark says.
"Water" Jenna says. I go over to the fountain drinks and get the 3 drinks for my friends. I bring them over to the table. Janel comes by me and kisses my cheek.
"Val you made my day so much better this morning"
"What" Jenna asked in a slight angry tone.
"Jenna nothing happened this morning she's lying"
"Me and Val you know"
"Jenna baby you know I would never do that"
"I know this slut just thinks she can get in my head"
"Slut your the one who was dating college boys freshman year"
"Your trying to take my man from me"
"He wasn't your man this morning"
"We never had sex" I said.
"Janel you have a table" our manager said. He comes up to me.
"I'm sorry about her, if there's another problem just tell me and I'll fire her"
"Thanks Jared" I say shaking his hand. I get my friends orders and bring them to the cooks. While we wait for their food I sit with them and talk. The restaurant wasn't very busy today. I get up and go get their food. While I was over there Janel grabbed me and kissed me. I pull back.
"What the hell is wrong with you I told you I have a girlfriend, I love her only her so you need to back off"
"Val you can say you love her as much as you want but I know deep down there's a place for me"
"No your a terrible person and I never want to talk to you again" I say. I grab the plates and bring them over.
"What did she do" Mark asked me.
"She kissed me, I pulled back as fast as I could"
Jenna looked pissed. She looked like she was gonna kill her. I grab her hand.
"Baby I can see your mad but I think you need to calm down"
"I'm not calming down Val" she said. She gets up and walks over to Janel.
"Hey slut" Janel says. Jenna slaps her face hard. I pull Jenna out from in front of Janel before she slapped her.
"Come on Jenna, slut, whore, bitch, ugly skank"
I grab Jenna and hold her back from attacking Janel. She would put her in the hospital if I let her go. I pick her up and carry her outside.
"I'm gonna kill her"
"No your not. As much as I would love to see you beat her up I'm not gonna let you" I say.
"Because I don't want to see you ruin your college applications and I don't want to see you hurt"
"Ok but can I ask Witney to beat her up"
"Why she's being an ass, someone needs to beat her up"
"Ok no one needs to be beat up"
"Except Janel"
"No Jenna, how about after I'm done you can come to my house and we know" I say starting to kiss her neck.
"I like the sound of that" she says. I detach my lips from her.
"Ok I'll see you at 5 babe"
"Bye I love you"
"I love you too" I say. She gets in her car and goes away.
Val's house
Jenna's pov
Me and Val are up in his room making out. I take his shirt off and he takes mine.
"Jenna your so perfect" he said once I take my bra off. He kissed my stomach to the hem of my shorts. He takes them off slowly. He gets his shorts off and throws them to the other side of the room. He scans up and down my body and groans in anticipation. I start kissing down his abs. He takes him boxers off an I take my panties off. After he put his condom on he grabbed my waist. He lined me up with his penis and slide into me. He started going faster and faster.
"Vaaaaaal" I moan loudly.
"Oh god Jenna" he said hitting his high. He fell to the side of me.
"How do you get better at that every time" he asked me.
"I don't know how do you"
"Practice makes perfect babe" he says kissing my head.
"God your so gorgeous, how did I get so lucky to have you be mine"
"I don't know maybe because your awesome" I say.
"Your the one who gets prettier everyday which is like impossible"
I smile at his sweet words. I lean over and kiss him again. He grabs my bare butt and holds it tightly. I start rubbing my hand up and down his abs. I kiss down him lightly. I hear someone calling my name down stairs. I get my clothes on and so does Val. We go downstairs and see Witney standing there.
"What's up" I ask.
"What's wrong with Emma"
"She got hurt" she said.

Oh cliffhanger! Wait till tomorrow to find out what happened to Emma!!!!

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