I'm so sorry for taking so long with this update. First I was sick, then my kid got sick, then there was the fair, ect ect... you guys know how it goes. Anway I've more than made up for it with this super long chapter. It was going to be longer but I felt bad making you guys wait. So without further ado here is the fifth chapter. Enjoy!
Note: I typed this all on my phone so sorry for any spelling mistakes. Just tell me where they areand I'll fix them.
Disclaimer: I don't not own fairy tail of any of it's characters. I own the plot of thos story and thats it
[Natsu's POV]
This particular morning was a good one. Not because of the shining sun but because today was the first day of the markets. Happy and I stood on a roof just looking at all the stalls. There was so much food! I didn't realize that I was drooling until Happy slapped my face. I snapped out of my daze and looked at my little blue friend. "Well Happy, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked giving him my trade mark grin.
"Fish!" He said patting his little belly.
"You always want fish." I growled. "Just look at all this food Happy. Use you imagination. There are things here that we've never even heard of! So pick something else."
"Aye sir!" He saluted me and then began looking at all the stalls. "How about that?" He was pointing over to a stand that had lots of green melons on them. The sign read watermelon.
"Alright. Watermelon it is. Happy, get ready for operation snatch and grab."
"Aye!" He said throwing his fist in the air. With that we began jumping over to the roof of the stand. When we got over there I have Happy the signal and he began to distract the vendor. I then leaned down and grabbed a melon. I gave Happy a thumbs up and I met him back on the roof of the stall.
"Breakfast is served." I said cracking the melon on my knee. I handed half to Happy and he began to greedily eat it. I was about to eat mine when something caught my eye. It was a girl. She was wearing a brown hood that matched her brown cloak. The hood did a good job hiding most of her hair and face but then she fell to the ground and her hood fell. I was amazed by her beauty. She had golden blonde hair and chocolate brown orbs as eyes. For the first time in my life I forgot about food. All I wanted to do was look at her.
[Happy POV]
I had been eating my breakfast when I noticed that Natsu wasn't eating. He was staring at something. I looked to where his eyes were and they were looking at a girl. I climbed up to his shoulder and waved my paw in front of his face. Nothing happened. I climbed back down and stared at Natsu. Then it hit me, "He liiiiikkkkeess her!" I squealed. I heard Natsu growl and then felt a sharp pain on my head. "Ow! Well you do." I muttered as I went back to eating my melon.
[Lucy's POV]
I walked down the street in awe. There were so many stalls and so many things that I had never seen before. It was noisy and crowed but I loved it all the same. Each time I walked past a stall the vendors would try to sell me there items and each time it was something different."How about a pot? No finer pots in brass or silver!" Said a vendor with a gold tooth.
"SUGAR DATES! SUGAR DATES AND PISTACHIOS!" Yelled a short one showing me the food.
"Would the lady like a necklace? A pretty necklace for a pretty lady." Asked a sauve vendor.
Then one shoved a fish in my face causing me to bumb into a fire breather. My hood fell down when I hit the ground. I quickly recovered and apologized; I then left hoping that no one saw me with my hood down. I continued walking down the street when I saw a little blue haired girl looking at an apple stand. "Here you go." I said handing her an apple. I turned to walk away when a hand grabbed my wrist.

Mayhem In Agrabah
RandomThe story of a princess who just wants to be free and a boy who wants to prove that he is worthy. When their paths cross it creates confusion, romance, and most of all mayhem.