I got this idea a while back, it is the last book I will make for a while, then I will just focus on updating stories. I lost the original draft so I hope this sounds alright. (Some Foul Language Rated PG-13)
My Dear Black
Part 1: The Third Year of the Golden Trio
Chapter 1: Meeting an Old Friend
"Mhhmm, hmph! ARGG!" I yell as I am rudely awaken by a stupid squirrel who decided to throw stuff at me, now I a plummeting towards the ground. Wonderful. I just love waking up to a mouth/face full of dirt in the morning. Ahh shiz, I think I might have broken my finger, uggh. I hate having to reset is, I place my hand on my lap and prod the finger, I look around me to see if any thing could bind it until I get to my friend's house.
I am currently in the forest, but there is a clearing a mile or two down and it opens to a long beach, hmm isn't Luna's near house the beach. Well, since I am sitting down I might as well tell you who I am.
My name is Ebony Lily Black, before you ask I am Sirius Black's daughter, and I do know that he is innocent and that Peter Pettigrew is the one that killed Harry Potter's parents and the 12 muggles. But that is way off topic.
I am about 5" 4' which means I am taller than most girls but still shorter that the guys my age. I am going to be a fourth year at Hogwarts, if I get my letter. I have long, black, and wavy hair and sparkling grayish-green eyes like my father. I have a fairly slim and athletic figure do to living out on my own for so long. I would say I am not flat and narrow like a board, I do have a few curves here and there. Just to let you know I don't think I am pretty and I am not full of myself. I am not some perfect girl, with the perfect face and body, there are many flaws that I do have.
Currently I am wearing real leather pants which are dyed a dark purple, I am wearing a navy blue shirt with a black leather jacket, and on my feet I am wearing simple black combat boots. These are the only clothes I have with me, I managed to steal them in a small outlet mall about 2 days ago ditching my old torn up clothes.
Anyways, I find a large leaf near by and wrap my finger in it tightly so I doesn't move much, I grit my teeth in pain. What do you think I would do? Jump up and down excitedly if I was in pain? I carefully push myself up off the ground and head east of the beach.
I stumble and trip a few times while walking through the forest. Suddenly a bush rattled and I look over to it and see a large black dog/wolf. "Dad?" I question blinking my eyes in disbelief, but as soon as it was there it disappeared. Hmm, must be near Luna's I feel I am going nuts.
Apparently I was right, because after about five minutes I see a round clearing up ahead, inside the clearing I see a tall house with all sorts of knickknacks all around it. Yup, it is Luna's house alright. I wonder what they do in there spare time, does she even remember I am coming? I walk up to Luna's front porch being careful so I don't knock anything over. I inspect their door seeing if there was a doorbell, but I decide to do the normal thing and knock. Within seconds of me knocking the door opens revealing a blonde girl.
"Hi Luna, you look nice, I love your butterbeer cork necklace, oh and your radish earings. Trying to keep the Nargles away I see." I tell her politely before getting crushed into a hug.
"Uggh, can't....breathe....Luna."
"Oops, sorry I just got a little excited. I haven't seen you in forever!" Luna apologizes releasing me from her grip. I take a step back to get a good look at her.
Luna has slightly wavy hair that trails to the middle of her back. Her bright blue eyes pop out against her pale skin. She is dressed in laid back ravenclaw colors. She is slightly shorter than me, but not by much.
"You won't believe what came in the mail for you." Luna says skipping inside the house with me trailing behind her, I make sure I shut the door. We walk down the hallway into the kitchen where we sit down at the small round table.
"What did I get? Is it my letter? I really, really hope it is my letter, but then how would they know i was com-" I begin rambling before a letter is shoved into my hand. I open it up and let out a squell of excitement, momentarily forgetting about my finger.
"Why is you finger bandaged up? Did an exploding snaberwitch bite you, you should be careful around them." Luna asks taking my finger into her hand, since her father was here she used a small spell, the ministry would probably think it was her father. She pulls out her wand and says, "Episky." I feel, and hear the bone snap back into place. The only indication of pain I let out is a small whimper.
"A squirrel attacked me and I fell out of a tree. Hey Luna, do you know what this means?" I ask looking down embarresed.
"We can go by my wand!" I yell happily.
"Okay Ebony, we can go tomorrow since school starts in three days." Luna says while handing me a glass of tea. Hmm, I wonder what kind of her she put in it this time? Must be relaxing, living in one home for your entire life, not having to worry about much.
"THREE DAYS!" I yell in surprise, I had no clue what day it was, and I didn't think class would start that soon. As soon as hearing this news I spit out the tea I was drinking on the floor, and Luna without thinking pointed her wand at the floor muttering a spell. As soon as the tea was there it disappeared.
Luna and I decided to head off to bed early, I have to admit, it was kinda weird sleeping in a bed for once, and pajammas. I had trouble falling asleep thinking about how exciting tomorrow was going to be and how my life changed so quickly. The next morning Luna woke me up and cooked breakfast, as soon as I was done eating she rushed me upstairs and told me to get dressed.
I hurried and through on a Green Day/Rolling Stones t-shirt, (they are a muggle band) a pair of dark wash skinny jeans from Luna, a green headband, and some of Luna's colorful shoes. She was convinced that if I wore them the nargles would stay away from me. I grab a small black tote bag and rush downstairs so that her father can apparate us to Diagon Alley.
I greet Luna's father, he offered me his hand, holding Luna's in his other palm, and we were off. Most say apperating feels really bad, but I didn't mind it. It felt like I was going on a roller coaster and we had to squeeze through a small space.
When we reach Diagon Alley Luna and I set off to get our school supplies saving my wand for last.
"Do we have everything?" Luna asks obviously forgetting about my wand. I grab her hand and drag her down the street.
"We have one last stop." I say letting a large grin reach my face. We stood outside the best wand makers shop in all of Britain. I start to walk in but notice Luna does not follow, she tells me that she is going to go buy me an owl while I get my wand. I shrug at her and wave goodbye before walking into the store.
I thought this was a good way to end the chapter, please comment on what you think. I promise this won't be a stereotype story. I will start working on the next update now, I just thought I should end it here instead of dragging it out so that you get bored. Also, please check out pottermore.com, I have an account, my user name is ScaleAuror4173. Check me out :) One last note! GO RAVENCLAW!!!! WE CAN WIN THE CUP THIS TIME! p.s. if you haven't noticed I am a Ravenclaw!

My Dear Black *ON HOLD*
FanfictionEbony Lily Black is the daughter of Sirius Black, she believes her fathers innocence. That gets her into trouble a lot, she always stick up for what is right, but what if whats right puts her in danger. What will happen when she meets old family. Wi...