"I think I found out his location!", Emily told Aaron, pumped with adrenaline and hope for one of her best friends and teammates.
The team worked on Heather's case in every one of their free minutes. Since Strauss had told them to not work on that case anymore, they had just finished solving the third case that wasn't Heather's yesterday and were doing some paper work at the moment.
There hasn't been anything new on her case, they had the same information as at the beginning but as it seems Emily figured something out and Hotch immediately sprung up.
Hotch walked ahead, in a fast pace, grabbing bulletproof vests for him and her.
The others should meet them outside, since they were informed by their boss to meet them there.
Spencer hadn't shown up today yet but Hotch knew that he would come tardy.
He seemed like life had been sucked out of him, his eyes were empty and he had the nightmares again since she had disappeared.
As soon as Emily and Aaron stepped out of the FBI building, the car, in which the rest of the team was seated, already began to start the motor.
They got into their car quickly driving ahead to lead them. Emily gave directions, occasionally pointing her finger or shouting 'right!' or 'left!'.
When they reached an abandoned farmhouse with an adjoined sea, they jumped out of the cars and pulled out their guns.
"Where's Spencer?", JJ asked and the others looked around, too, searching him.
"I thought it was better for him to stay at the bureau, I asked Garcia to distract him when he came. He wasn't at the bureau yet. But he won't be able to see another important person go. We will inform him immediately however if we're to find out anything.", Hotch explained.
"Okay.", everyone nodded understandingly.
"Okay, JJ and Morgan? You'll take the back and Rossi, Prentiss and I are going in front."
They nodded and split up.
The front door was opened by Emily and they flew in, one was able to hear several 'clear's being shouted.
Rossi made a hand gesture, implying that he would go upstairs, the steps cracked under his heavy shoes.
Aaron decided to follow him as Derek and Jennifer met him and Emily.
"Just wait until everything is clear upstairs. Then we'll go look outside for her.", Aaron said.
"She's definitely been here, Hotch.", Morgan frowned, "we found some of her clothes. And there was blood."
"Where's the abductor then?", Prentiss asked, somehow not being able to say his name.
David and Aaron came downstairs again together with Scott Rowland, who had tried to hide in the attic.
"Here's the abductor.", Hotch said, shaking his head.
Rowland had a long cut on his cheek that looked like it just recently stopped bleeding and the others knew that Heather had fought and tried to flee.
"Where is she?", Morgan asked him, having stepped very close to him and nearly having gripped his dirty shirt.
Rowland just laughed. Rossi however leaned to JJ and whispered "his sleeves are wet and dirty. Search outside."
They took him to questioning but SSA Jeareau, Prentiss and Morgan still looked for Heather.
"I think we should look at the sea first.", Prentiss said.
They went over to the sea, that was deeper than they thought, and Morgan jumped inside, swimming to the bottom.
It took a while, he occasionally swam up to get oxygen.
After several vain attempts he got up, a pale, nearly naked, lifeless body thrown over his shoulder.
Emily and Jennifer hurried to help him, they got Heather out and Derek climbed out, too.
They didn't check for a pulse but Prentiss immediately started giving first aid.
"Call an ambulance.", she shouted whilst trying to revive Jayce.
"Heather? Heather, can you hear me? Everything will be fine, everything will be okay.", JJ tried to reassure, but it most likely served them more, they had to reassure themselves so that they wouldn't flip.
"Spencer keeps calling me.", she said then.
Morgan called an ambulance and afterwards he called Hotch, hoping that he knew how to tell Reid.
-"Hey Garcia? Do you know where the others are?", Spencer asked, not having seen them at the bureau.
"Hi Spencer. No, I have no idea where they are, sorry. Why don't you stay here and help me a bit, Genius?", Penelope tried to convince him.
He suspiciously looked at her but decided to help her either way. He wanted to find Heather.
"Okay, so, if Rowland isn't at home, where is he?"
"That's a good question. Do you want me to look something up?", Penelope asked.
"Please. Could you make up any contacts he had?"
"What about any free buildings near his house. We haven't looked for that yet. Maybe there's some kind of connection that we haven't found out about yet."
Garcia pulled up a map on her computer and began typing. In under a minute she showed Spencer a few free buildings.
"Okay, thank you Garcia! I'll check them out!", Spencer hurried, pulling on his satchel.
"Hey Spencer!", Penelope called, making him stop in his tracks.
He turned back around seeing Penelope look down on her phone.
"What is it?"
"You should stay here.", Penelope said, going through ways she could tell him that the others found Scott.
"What? Why?", Spencer asked concerned and enervated.
"It would be the best thing if you stayed here.", she repeated, getting up from her seat and going over to Spencer, taking his hand, "Sit down. Please."
"Why should I-", Spencer began to panic.
"Please.", Garcia said once again, carrying on when he obliged.
"They found him.", she said softly, holding eye contact with Spencer to watch his reaction. He was puzzled, but didn't try to say anything.
"They are bringing Rowland Scott here for questioning.", when these words left Penelope's lips, Spencer flipped.
"Who found him? Hm? Who? Who didn't tell me about this? Why wasn't I told that they had a trace? Why wasn't I told? I will question him. I will kill him-", he got up, balling his hands into fists.
"Hey, Spencer, hey. Sit back down, okay?", he complied due to Garcia successfully managing to calm him down with speaking very silently, she continued explaining,
"We are worried about you, Spencer. That's why we thought that it would be the best if we distanced you from the case. You went through a lot, and I know that is not fair because you deserve to be happy and we want you to find your happiness. We didn't want to be the ones to crush you once again. It makes us miserable to see you miserable.", she carefully put her arm around his shoulders trying to calm him even more.But Spencer began crying, then sobbing. Every time he heard his name, he heard how she said it. Every time he saw something, anything, it reminded him of her. Everything he smelled, heard, saw, tasted, felt had become Heather.
He took out his phone and called JJ repeatedly, knowing that she did what he was supposed to do, she searched her.

heather || spencer reid
FanfictionDr Heather Jayce has decided to join the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI and it doesn't take long for her to discover that she developed feelings for one of her co-agents. But does this love have a chance? And will everything change afte...