Chapter: 5

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I stole a glance at Nico, he seemed lost in thought. I know this because if he had been watching he would have noticed mother acting weird. She said she had something to announce at tonight's dinner and that's never good.
"Tonight we will be having a steak dinner!~" Sang my mother. I saw her glance Nico, waiting for his reaction. Nico is a vegetarian. I feel sorry for him. I could tell he was forcing back a gag. The steak was done rare, you could see some blood in all the juices. Hazel looked like she wanted to cry. She's not a full blown vegetarian, but blood is also not her cup of tea. We sat waiting for mother and father to take the first bite to begin the dinner.
"Darling," mother said as she grabbed fathers hand over the table.
"We haven't seen our children in so long!" She said in mock sorrow.
"No we haven't dear," Father replied in fanning innocents.
"I believe we should do something special! Seeing as so many birthdays are near!" She said. Ok now this is definitely getting suspicious. They never acknowledge Hazels or Nicos birthdays. They must be trying to-
"Oh I know darling!" Said father as if he had discovered string theory,"We should let them take the first bite! This will be a big birthday meal!" Yup. There it is. Of course. Nico and Hazel never actually eat at family dinners. Mother and father always do their best to choose all the foods Nico and Hazel hate, and those are the times they actually allow Nico and Hazel food. It is rude to not eat at business conferences, lunches, or in the hospitality of a business partner, even if you don't like the food. What with having foreign business partners, you might not always fine the food appetizing. And with my parents being 'image crazed' even when it comes to the smallest things, have taught us how to 'eat with out eating.' Meaning we will look like we are eating, but, one look at out plate would say other wise. Trust me that trick comes in handy more times then you would think. Either way Nico and Hazel don't usually eat the food given to them, and my parents know that. Getting them to take at least one bite of the bloody meat on their plate would be challenging. Of course if they were given honor of first-bite, there would be no getting out of it. What with mother, father, me, and all the chefs watching in the room. I really wish all of this would stop honestly. Nico and Hazel, well, their good kids. And contrary to the belief, I have nothing against them. My parents aren't the best of people, but they have always treated me nicely and provided for me what others could only dream of. But with the way they treat my half siblings, it's hard to say otherwise. They treat them like lower class in their own home. They refuse to even sleep on the same side of the mansion as them. In fact they refuse to allow me to sleep on the same side of the mansion as them. In all honesty I'm actually quite protective of my younger siblings. They haven't the idea of the countless times I've stopped my parents from doing something they would regret towards them. But I'm sure they don't return the feelings. I'm not stupid. I see the way they look at me when we pass in the hallways. Or the way they cringe as I speak to them. When they speak in hushed whispers to one another, only stopping when I look their way. They have a closeness only siblings could have. A closeness that I could never have. Trust me, if I had known of their existence before hand, if I had known I had half siblings out there, I would have forced my parents to take them in. To not allow them to fade in the background, blocked by my family's 'image'. I had always wanted siblings, someone to share all of my toys and secrets, someone to protect and someone to protect me. I only wish I had learned of them sooner, and not once it was to late... Not after she died. Not after the were traumatized by terrorists. Not after the war!
If only I had known sooner... But they are here now. And they might not know it, but I do all I can to protect them. Because they are still my family. We are still siblings. I don't know what it feels like to lose a sibling. A true, real sibling. A sibling that you share your toys with, to share your secrets with, a sibling you protect, as they protect you. But they do. And the look of pain on their faces when I first met them was something that has engraved itself into my brain. I might not be their sibling, but they are mine. And if Nico and Hazel being each others sibling, if clinging to the other, being close to one another, and not me, keeps that pained look off their faces then so be it. But I'll still protect them, treat them as my siblings, even if they don't return the favor. Thats why I do what I'm about to do.


"Simply delicious!" I say as I shove another price of meat into my mouth.
"Well done Estephan, you've out done yourself again." I nod to the cook.
The chefs bow and leave the room. Now having conformation that their work here is done.
I look over at my family to see their shocked faces. My father although the has one of boredom and is the first to speak,"Well dear you didn't specify which child you wanted to take the first bite." He rolled his eyes and started to pick at his steak. Hazel had mixture of relief, shock, and anxiety on her face. While Nico had a look of relief and look in his eyes that just screamed 'why?'. I smiled liking all the attention I was receiving from my siblings. My mother snapping out of her bewilderment was the second to speak.
"Oh Thanatos! I'm so glad you like the food! I know how much you like steak!" She said with fake joy accompanied by a fake smile. Her voice seemingly reminding Nico and Hazel of where they were, as they regained their emotionless composure.

We continued to 'eat' in silence for the next 10 minutes before my mother spoke again. I swear sometimes I just want to staple her mouth shut. But I sat emotionless and listened as always.
"Sweetheart, do you want to tell the kids the good news?"
My father grunted and looked up from his plate.
"Of course," he turned to us and continued,"We've gotten wind that Thanatos lacrosse team will be going to state." He paused looking at our reactions. There was none.
He didn't get to finish as my mother interrupted him.
"And in celebration we bought Thanatos a colt!" She finished excitedly. My father recovers from the interruption and continued.
"Yes. And as a result we will be selling Arion."
I almost chocked on my water. Nico seemed to have the same reaction as he was glancing nervously at Hazel. Arion was a gift from Amazon as a symbol of their business partnership. But nonetheless Hazel still loved that horse. It seemed as if everyone was holding their breath waiting for Hazels reaction. But she simply put down her glass and went on to take another fake bite of her steak as if nothing had happened. A few seconds had passed before she raised her hand.(yes we have to raise our hand to speak. They treat us like first graders.)
"Yes, child." My mother answered not even bothering with Hazels name.
"I think our stables are more then capable of holding Thanatos' colt and Arion. I see no need to get rid of Arion." Hazel said eerily calm. This is not good. Any one who knows Hazel, knows just how dear she holds Arion. Of course my parents know that or they wouldn't be doing this. But attacking a topic as sensitive as Arion? I can tell they are trying to get Hazel to crack, but, Arion *sigh*... there's only one way this could end.
"That may be so, but are you willing to hire the help it takes to care for Arion? We simply don't have the budget to pay for Arions keeper." Nico scoffed and mother turned to him."Do you have something you wish to say Nicolas?!" Mother almost yelled.
"It's just that," oh no, no, this isn't good. If Nico gets involved in this things could get ugly.
"It's just that, we don't need help to take care of Arion, Hazel does it all herself anyway. The help you hired are practically getting paid in exchange for nothing. You should just fire the help and be done." Nico said.
Mother glared at him,"If that were true Hazel would have been down by the stables feeding Arion after school today and not out being a slut!"
I could tell Nico was losing his patience,"She was out with Piper McLean. You know her, you do business with her father."
"Is that so? Are you sure she wasn't out with all those boys?! She was probably out there, just now, letting them fuck her senseless. She is a slut! What's that one? Len? Lance? Leo? Yes. Leo. He's the one who lives on riverside with all those delinquent children. She has no sense of responsibility! She can't take care of Arion!  When she gets older, and stops leaching off our fortune, she'll end up there. On one of their street corners no less! And live the life she was destined to live." She said all this looking Nico right in the eyes. You see, Hazel has a polygamous relationship with Leo Valdez and Frank Zhang. Everyone knows this. Hazel could be considered one of the most sought after girls at her school, so it's no surprise she has a boyfriend, and definitely not a surprise that she could have two boyfriends. The weird thing is though is she's not cheating on them. Oh, no she is not cheating on them, trust me they are full aware of each others existence. They 'share' her, and are perfectly fine with that. But, when Hazel doesn't have the time to spend with them, they are perfectly fine entertaining each other, if you know what I mean *wink**wink*. Of course that part of their relation ship is best kept under raps, seeing as a lot of people are homophobic (an yes I do keep tabs on what happens at my siblings school... and it's not creepy at all). So yes my sister has two boyfriends, but trust when I say they are the cutest thing in the world. One could only dream to have the thing they have with each other. Of course there are people out there who don't approve it, one of those people being my mother. She sees it as Hazel just being a slut. In fact my mother always thought she was a slut, she thought she would turn into her mother. She also doesn't like the fact that Leo is from Riverside, witch is a nice place... Ya'know, if you wanna get stabbed.
As so she takes every opportunity to shame Hazel, telling her she's just starting her career earlier. I personally think their relationship is beautiful. But to be honest, she's never just flat out said it before. She's always made passive aggressive comments on it, just said she doesn't approve of it. We all knew what she was thinking, but this is the only time she's truly voiced, and by the looks of it, it probably would have been better if she never had. In all my years. My years of watching my siblings take shit. Of them silently obeying and avoiding trouble. Of being kicked around and neglected. Never, once have I seen them lash out. They've never back talked, defied , or even stood against my parents. But now, at this moment in time, Nico is standing. In my mothers rant she rose from her chair leaning over the table. Nico had rose too, definitely, from his seat.
"You dare stand against m-" She didn't get to finish. As Nico had just slapped her across the face. Ya. That just happened.
"Don't you ever speak that way about my sister again!!" Nico hissed.
Th room stilled. My mother, still standing still from having been slapped. Hazel looked horrified, as my father rose from his seat. I could only watch. My father, in a flash of movement slammed his glass over the back of Nicos head.
"NICO DI ANGELO!! YOU DARE RAISE A HAND TO YOUR MOTHER?!" My father bellowed through the hall. Nico yelped I pain. My mother, finally getting over shock, had begun wiping he cheek with a napkin."Don't you ever touch me a again! The matter is settled." She said sternly,"Arion has already been sold to the Breakers farm." Hazel
Dropped the fork she had been holding. The entire situation seemingly hitting her all at once. It landed her on the dining cloth. She dropped to the ground, her composure long broken, cradling Nicos head.
"You pig! These were imported from China!" My mother scolded. She took a silver platter from the table and threw it at her back, going on a rant of how they ruined the dinner and how they would never get by like this. Hazel seemed almost obvious to it as she shielded Nicos head, trying to get him to respond. I sat there watching as everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. It all came rushing back to me at once, the yelling, the crying, things flying across the room. I couldn't take it anymore,"Enough!" My mother and father froze instantly looking back at me. They had always been fast to recognize my voice. Hazel now trying to help Nico up off the ground. My parents regained their composure, seemingly realizing what they were doing. My father helped my mother from the ground, where she had fallen in her outburst,"This dinner is over. Thanatos, I'm sorry you had to witness such things. You two," he turned to Hazel who was now holding up Nico,"You have been disciplined. I hope you learned your lesson. Go clean your selves... You're filthy." He made a face of disgust as he led mother out of the room. Almost instantly the workers burst through the doors, cleaning up the mess we left. I walked over to where Hazel was trying to get Nico up the stairs.
"Here." I said as I her Nicos skull ring. It must have fallen off. She was startled at the sudden voice and jumped a little. She turned to me with a look I couldn't read and reluctantly took the ring from my hand,"Thanks." She mumbled. I rarely ever talk to her if it isn't forced so this is kind of awkward.
"For the recorded I don't think you're a slut." I said before I could stop myself. She turned back to me confused.
"I think it's sweet. What you have. It's hard to find someone who loves, you especially so young. But you seemed to have found two. That's, um, nice." She was looked at me uncertainty,"Um thanks. That- that means a lot. And thanks, for you know, not making us eat that dead cow." She said with a small smile. I chuckled,"you're welcome. Uh, do you need any help?" I said gesturing to the practically limp body that was leaning on her. She shook her head,"No. I got it. Goodnight." She quickly turned away and provided to help Nico up the steps.

There's only so much I can do for them...

Sorry I haven't updated in like forever! Please forgive me!! I was having writers block, this is probably one of my worst chapters but it's ok it should be smooth sailing from here! I just wanted you guys to see from a different perspective and how Thanatos sees things I'll probably need to heavily edit this chapter. I swear I'm trying and some percico will be coming up soon I promise!! I'll try to update more regularly!

~ onareadinghigh😁

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