Chapter 20

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Louis' POV

I fucked up big time. I shouldn't have let them take me to Zayn. But then again if I didn't go, he would hurt the ones I love. And that is why I was telling everyone that Nikki wasn't my girlfriend, because the news would travel to Zayn and he would hurt her. And I don't want that to happen. At least Liam is happy for me. It hurt when she said that she thinks that I'm just playing with her feelings and that I didn't love. Which isn't true. I love her with all my heart and I don't want to lose her. But I am avoiding telling her, but I don't think I'm ready. But I need her to trust me, so I guess I have to tell her soon. As a matter of fact I'm going to go over to her place right now.

~Nikki's POV~

The tears kept coming. There was no stopping them. No matter what I tried, they wouldn't stop. That's when my phone rang again. So I answered it with so much venom in my voice.

"What the fuck do you want!?"

"Woah, calm down. It's just me. Someone pissed in your cereal today." Lottie's angelic voice rang through the speaker of the phone.

"Sorry. I'm just not in a good mood."

"I hear that. But guess what?"


"I'm coming home early!"

"What?! Are you serious?!"

"Yep. Professor said that we had enough information to write our essays and said we can all go home! I'm at the airport now."

"Wow that's crazy! I can't wait till your back."

"I know me too. Anyways I'm leaving soon, so I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Yeah of course. Bye have a safe flight."

"Thank you I will. Bye." And the line went dead. Right then my stomach growled. I guess I haven't eaten in a while. So I made my way to the kitchen when there was a knock at the door. I hesitantly walked over and opened the door, instantly regretting it. Louis looked at me with sadness in his eyes. \

"Can we talk?"

"No." I answered sternly about to close the door on him when he caught it with his hands pushing it back open.

"Louis what the f-"

"I'm ready to tell you now." And I was silent. I let him in silently closing the door behind him as he walked in. This should be an interesting conversation.

~After the explanation~

"So let me get this straight. You got caught up in some stupid shit with the guys that took you last night and you can't get out of it?" I ask.


"And if Zayn, the leader found out about you dating me or try to get out of it you will get seriously hurt?"

"Maybe even killed." He added. My heart rate increasing.

"Right, and if he found out that you were going behind his back or avoiding him and the guys any longer he will hurt the ones you love?"

"Yeah. That's why I wasn't telling people we were a thing because the news will travel to Zayn and he will get you too."


"I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm trying to protect you baby. I could never forgive myself if you ever got hurt." All I could think about was how much he truly cared and how sorry he really was. If only I allowed him to actually explain himself earlier. I felt so bad.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you. I feel so bad now. I didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself. I was acting so selfish and-" I was cut off with him smashing his lips on mine. I loved kissing his lips. They made me forget everything that was going wrong in life and it was just us.

"It's ok love. I know I was avoiding telling you, because I was afraid how you would handle the news."

"Ok. I was um thinking that things could have things like they were before, and just forget that this fight ever happened."

"I couldn't have it any other way." He said smiling and kissing me again. I was in heaven. I don't know how I could ever survive without him in my life. Things got pretty heated to the point where he was on top of me on the couch with one hand holding my neck and one hand under my shirt. While I tangled my hand in his soft feather hair. Suddenly there was a cough towards the front door. Louis and I quickly looked at the door seeing Lottie with her arms crossed in front of her chest with I smirk on her face. She started to laugh and I immediately blush and hide my face in Louis arm that was holding my neck. Louis even started to chuckle.

"Oh don't let me interrupt." She said and walked into the dining room and kitchen. When she was fully out of sight I look at Louis who had his eyes closed shaking his head in embarrassment, but that quickly went away when he looked at me crashing his lips back onto mine.

"Louis." I mumble against his lips. He only kept going. I said his name again and this time finally pulling away.

"What is it love?" He asks ever so sweetly.

"Lottie's home."

"So." He leans in to kiss me again but just gave him a glare. "Fine, but we're not done here." I let out s giggle and give him a peck before getting up and walking to meet Lottie. We chit chatted for hour when Louis said he had to go and I understood. I said ok telling him to be careful and gave him one last peck before he exited the dining room to go to the door to leave.

"You really do like him don't you?" Lottie asked when the front door closed.

"Yes I do. I love him."

[A/N: Hey guys. So I can't believe I'm already on chapter 20! I never thought I would get this far. And what do you guy think of "Drag Me Down" ? Because I absolutely love it. Anyways please don't forget to tell people about this story and comment and vote. Thank you guys I hope you enjoyed, I love you all to the moon and back <3]

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