My alarm went off at 6:00, the next morning Normally my alarm clock would wake me up around 7:00, since we lived so close to the school, but, today was the field trip! So, I wanted to wear the perfect outfit. Throwing off the covers I took a quick shower (something that I never do in the morning, but wanted to smell nice for the trip). After I got out I started to blow dry my hair while brushing my teeth, which ended up with my hair being a tangled mess, so I quickly put down the down drier and decided to air dry the rest. After furiously combing threw my brown hair I threw on a pair of jeans and a nice navy blue striped shirt. I put on a little mascara and lipgloss and raced downstairs to the kitchen. I fixed myself a bowl of Cheerios and I was so exciting, I ate the Cheerios too fast and ended up rolling around on the floor choking. Luckily for me my dad, who is a part time doctor, heard me practically dying and came racing in to do the Heimlich. After cleaning up the soggy Cheerios, my dad yelled at me for eating too fast.
Sulking, I went back up to my room and got my stuff together, and I was soon ready to go. However, it was only 7:00 and school started at 7:30. Deciding to use the time wisely I grabbed my violin and began to play.After what felt like an eternity it was time to go to school. I grabbed my bag and beige trench coat then I raced out the door. I normally walked to school in the mornings but this morning it was bitterly cold I wish I had taken the bus. But, I wrapped my coat around me and walked quickly to school. By the time I got there, most everyone else had arrived and they were loading the busses. I sat in the front by myself and pulled out a book to read for the hour long ride that would take us to Louvre Museum.
After what felt like a life time we finally made it to The museum. I had finished my book 30 minutes into the ride and ended up staring out the window for the rest of the time. Since I was seated at the front of the bus, I got to get up first and lead the line into the lobby. Mr. Henderson gathered us in front of a man who looked like he was still in high school. I immediately recognized him as gay. His hair was heavily gelled and his eyebrows were plucked to perfection, but what really gave it away were the rainbow socks that peeked out from his shoes. Awesome. My best and only friend was a gay, but he was in high school so I only saw him a few times a week. "Ok everyone this is Christopher Robin." A few people snickered. "He is your tour guide and the curator of the museum. I want you to give him your absolute attention and listen to what he says."
"Thank you Mr. Henderson." He said. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the look Mr. Robin was giving Mr. Henderson. He obviously had a crush on him. "Ok first things first. You guys can call me Robin now I know most of you probably don't want to be here, but trust me, it's not that bad. Now if you'll follow me this way..."
• • •
After about an hour of looking at some of the paintings we headed into another room and low and behold, there was The Mona Lisa. Forgetting I was in public I raced over to it and examined it from every angle. It was small but beautiful. "Do you like it?" I heard Robin say. I turned around and saw him smirking. I nodded vigorously.
"I've been wanting to see it for years, but my mom and dad never had enough money to take me." He nodded understandingly.
"That's one of the reasons I work here. Just so I can see that painting everyday. But believe it or not it's not my favorite."
"What's your favorite?" I asked. If there was a painting better than this one it had to be good.
"Here I'll show you just wait one second." He turned around and called everyone over. "Ok guys you are welcome to go and explore by yourselves for the rest of the time. Just make sure to be in the lobby by 11:00 for lunch." Everyone walked away leaving only me and Robin in the room. "Ok do you want to see it?" I nodded and we walked quickly to find the painting.

Still Life
FantasyYou know that saying "stop and smell the roses?" Well how many actually do that? Do you ever really stop and take a close look at a painting? What if every painting is its own universe? If the people in the paintings are alive, and not a still life.