The Plan

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In the morning I was got surprised when I saw a boy sleeping on my couch. But then I realized it was Kyle and remember the encounter the night before. His gash had gone a dark red as the blood dried up around it. We were going to have to wash it again. I just lay there, staring at him. Thinking. Thinking about how I met someone like him, how we became friends. How he had probably had to push through the darkness like I had. I looked at him more closely. He was his curly black hair looked un-even and like it hadn't been washed in days, poor kid. And his blue pajama top and grey bottoms seemed to be ripped, and I noticed spots of dried blood on his shirt. His parents must have been wicked people. I briefly considered asking him to come live here. But then I realized we only knew each other for one day. Also both our parents would be furious. When he woke up I quickly looked away. Hopefully he didn't see me examining him. He looked confused for a few seconds but then it turned into a smile. "Good morning Isaac." He beamed at me. "You too."
I replied. He went to the washroom and when he came back his cut had been cleaned. I knew my mother would be upset if she saw a friend was over, but she was always mad. We quietly headed down stairs. Luckily my mom wasn't. We each grabbed a big, thick slice of bread and snuck out the door. I left a note on the table saying "already had breakfast. Thanks :)". We were about an hour early so we went to the soccer field to have a quick game. This daily routine went on for months. We talk at school together, we play soccer afterwards and then we walk home together. The nights he sleeps over we play soccer in the morning too. Then one day at school the kids were being especially bad. Kyle and I were talking in the corner. "We have to stop this madness." He whispered into my ear. "What?" I replied, confused about what he meant. "This darkness started in Austria. I say we go there and find a way to stop it." He whispered back, a mischievous smile creeping along his face. "Your insane!" I pretty much screamed back. Was he though? It would be tough to get there. But if it was possible to stop it, that would be amazing! "Am I?" He deviously replied back. I slowly shook my head. "Are you in?" He asked. I nodded.

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