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***Warning some abusive content***

***Read at your own risk, Please***

It was 4 a.m, Greyson was screaming and I couldn't get him to stop. I was only running on one hour of sleep. Plus, co-parenting is hard when the other isn't speaking to you at the moment and your brother won't get his head out of his ass to have him over to help. He's been like this for three straight days, I was literally exhausted. Before I knew it, Jamison walked in, I felt some relief, "Need help?"

"Please, please just make him stop." Tears started to fall down my cheeks now.

Jamison walked over taking him from my arms taking a seat next to me on the bed. He hummed him a little lullaby rubbing his forehead until Greyson started to simmer down. Then just like that, he was asleep. "How? Maybe I'm not cut out for this mom thing."

"Don't say that Mayla. You're an amazing mother." He whispered over to me.

"I mean maybe Greyson needs someone better than just a mom. He needs a father figure, I can't give him that." I pulled my knees to my chest resting my tired head on them. "Ryder isn't even talking to me due to Ashton. He hasn't been around his own son for a month, Jai. I can't do this alone anymore."

Jamison got up laying Greyson in his crib then turned walking towards me, "Are you saying you want to give him up for adoption?"

I glanced up at him "It's crossed my mind either once or twice, but If that's what it comes to."

"Mayla, you don't have to. I'll help you out until you can find someone to fill that position or until Ryder comes around."

"No because that would mean Greyson would look at you as his dad instead of his uncle." I started to tear up baring my face back into my knees crying out, "I miss Ryder. I want Ryder back, I screwed up."

Jasper pulled me into a tight hug rubbing my back, "Call him."


"Call Ryder. If he doesn't answer, let him go. I love my best friend, but he's hurting my little sister's heart. I rather you be with someone that cares then to be with someone that doesn't." Jai picked up my phone, "So call him."

I took in a large sigh before reaching for the phone, was I ready to let go of Ryder? Was I ready to start a new? I pushed the call button and placed the phone to my ear before I was about to give up. He answered, "Hello?" I just sat there quietly, "Mayla?"

"I'm here. Sorry, it's early."

"It's okay. I wasn't sleeping all that well. How are you doing? Why are you up so early?"

I glanced at Jai who was standing by the door smiling, "I'm doing okay, Greyson was crying for the past couple hours. Couldn't sleep."

We talked for the next few hours, it was great to actually hear him talk. It was like Jai knew exactly what would happen that night. That he knew he would pick up the phone when I called. I'm glad I did because I was right. I wasn't ready to move on and let go of Ryder. Not now, not ever.


It was now 11 a.m. and I decided to grab lunch with Ashton at FeFe's Place. An amazing little restaurant, I remember my dad and I went here every Saturday. Then Ashton and I would come every Saturday after my parents past away to keep the tradition going, now to keep it going with Greyson. "Nice of you to have lunch with Greyson and I today." I smiled at him gently. I agreed to lunch to talk to him about how I was going to start dating Ryder again, and that I can't move forward with him.

Pregnant with my Brother's Best Friend's BabyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang