I shot my head up and looked twards the voice. "NIC!" I jumped up and hugged her. "Alex, I'm a person. Not a stuffed panda bear. Let go!" after a few more seconds I let go. "I'm so glad you're ok! I don't know what I would've done if you'd gotten hurt!" She looked at me like I was insane. We went up to the sleeping quarters and talked for a looong time.
Eventually I fell asleep. I was hanging halfway off the bed. The dream was back. Oh joy. Even more vivid than last time. I woke up halfway throughout whenever I fell off my bed. I was sweating, shaking, and breathing heavily. I had to tell Luna and Neville what was going on.
"Are you INSANE?!?!" nic whisper-shouted. "no. I'm Alex." she glared at me. "haha hilarious." "please? What happens whenever I have the dream at home? What do I say?" she sighed. "you really trust them that much?" "yes, more than myself. Cause I know what I would do." she sighed again. "well...."