The Snowy Owl

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When Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron returned from Ginny's trial everyone was ecstatic.

'Maybe we should invite everyone over to celebrate? Or ask mum to hold something.' Ron suggested.

'Great idea Ron! Ginny, why don't you go round now and ask them? We don't have an Owl now so I guess you'll just have to go round and ask in person.' Harry looked sad when he said this.

Ginny knew he missed Hedwig so much. She was Harry's only friend throughout summer holidays at the Dursley's and every time Harry saw an owl he would look upset.

'Okay I will go just now. I will be back by dinner time, Hermione do you want to come along?' Ginny asked.

'I'd love to.' Hermione said.

Harry and Ron kissed their girlfriends goodbye and they disapparated.

Minutes later the girls arrived at The Burrow. Ginny rushed inside the door.

'Mum, dad! Guess what? I done it I got in! I'm the new Chaser for The Holyhead Harpies!' She yelled as soon as she saw her parents.

Mr and Mrs Weasley jumped for joy and all Ginny's brothers high fived and hugged her.

'We need to celebrate. I was wondering if we could hold something here this weekend?' Ginny asked her mother.

'Of course we can!' Mrs Weasley said excitedly.

'Great. About 1? I will invite as many people as possible.' Ginny said as Mrs Weasley nodded in response.

After chatting for an hour Ginny and Hermione said their goodbyes and walked out into the garden to disapparate.

'Home?' Hermione asked assuming the answer would be yes.

'No, not yet. Diagon Alley.' She replied.

Hermione looked confused but never asked any questions and apparated to Diagon Alley seconds later. The girls were happy to see that Diagon Alley was almost back to normal.

'Hermione where was the Magical Menagerie you bought Crookshanks?' Ginny asked.

'This way, why?' Hermione said as she headed for the Menagerie.

'I want to surprise Harry with a new owl.' Ginny finally admitted.

'Oh, Ginny! That's a lovely thing to do. Come on this way quickly!' Hermione said happily.

When the girls entered the Magical Menagerie there were lots of owls to choose from. Ginny scanned each cage for a snowy owl and finally one caught her eye.

'Do you think I should buy him a snowy owl? Or would that upset him more?' Ginny asked Hermione.

'I think he would appreciate it. After all snowy owls are gorgeous!' Hermione exclaimed.

'I'll take this one.' Ginny said to the woman behind the counter.

When the girls finally arrived at the doorstep of their house Ginny was nervous. She hoped Harry wouldn't get more upset seeing this owl. The owl had a few similarities to Hedwig but not as many black spots and it was a fair bit smaller than her too. Ginny took a deep breath as she grasped the cage in her clammy hand before opening the door.

'We're back!' Hermione announced as Ginny sat the cage by the door and followed Hermione to the kitchen where the boys sat talking to their house elf.

'Alright?' Ron asked. The girls nodded in reply.

'Harry?' Ginny finally spoke.

'Yes? Something wrong?' He asked worriedly. 'No, not at all. At least I hope not. What it is... Well since you got me a brand new broomstick I thought I should get you a present in return. Only I don't know how you'll take it' Ginny spoke nervously.

'You didn't have to get me anything, Ginny. But thank you, what is it?' Harry asked.

Just as he spoke the words the new owl screeched and rattled her cage. Harry's eyes bulged.

'An owl?' He asked straight faced.

Ginny nodded worriedly as Harry exited the room to find the owl.

Harry rushed over to the cage by the door and stared at the bird. His face was hard to read but suddenly Harry looked emotional.

'I love her. Thank you so much.' He grabbed Ginny and held her in his arms for a long time before releasing her.

'So, what are you going to name her?' Ron asked.

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