Left 4 Dead YouTubers part 2 and Bethany gone bad?

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*Jordan Pov*
"Are you guys sure you want to do this?" Cywren asks for the millionth time. "Yes. We're saving Isaac." I say. "Okay. Just... Try not to freak out." Cywren had lead us to a humongous mountain. She said that we had to leave this world and go to the Left 4 Dead world. Cywren opened up the portal and we all stepped through. There was a bunch of weapons and equipment including bullet proof vest and first aid packs. We all began stocking up. "Alright guys, this is it. Are you ready?" Cywren asks. "As we'll ever be." Cierra tells her. Cywren opens the door into the Left 4 Dead map...

*Bethany Pov*
I stand in the balcony looking over the city. I could see Johnny Toast and Johnny Ghosts building from here. But, this is the last time I'll know that's where my baby brother lay dying is. And now here a I stand probably about to go insane or die. "Bethany!" I hear Dark yell. "Let's go." He moves out of the doorway so I can step through. I enter the hallway. "Move." He says. I start walking forwards slowly. Bethany, you can get out of this you know. Amie a
Says in my head. It's the only chance I got of getting Tom and I out of here without everyone else coming. I tell her. Okay... "Bethany please don't do this." Thomas says from the cell as we pass. I don't say anything. Dark leads me to the room. Jimmy's there. Get ready Amie. I say. Getting ready. She says. They put me in the pure white room. The room that'll get rid of anything good in me. Amie has to keep that side of me. She'll give it back to me before Dark and Jimmy realize it. I feel it. My good side was literally being ripped out of me. I screamed from the pain. Then in a flash I felt like me again. I didn't look like me though. My hair was a darker red. I was wearing a leather jacket and black jeans with black boots going up to my knees. I felt this power just coursing through my body. It wasn't good power though.
And tied to my side was a crowbar. Painted pure black.
1,2, Bethany Frye is coming for you Jimmy and Dark.
3,4, baby won't you lock your doors.
I grinned. We're so getting out of here.

Yay! Update! (Finally).
Sorry for the long wait my magical writers block medicine has a waiting list. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I should be writing alot more very soon.

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