Ally's POV
"And this is the basement." Jennette rolled her eyes.
"Nice." I said, admiring the carpeted floors and light blue walls.
"I'm gonna go check out the upstairs. You gonna be okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"Cool." He said. He turned and ran up the stairs and closed the door.
"Looks like it's just you and me now, princess." Jennette growled.
"Dude, really? Come on, I'm not afraid of you." I said.
"You sure? 'Cause uh I think you should be." She said.
Before I could react she placed her hands near my breasts and pushed me down the basement stairs.
"Still not scared of me?" She asked.
"No, not, not particularly." I said from the bottom of the stairs.
"Maybe physically, I can't make you hurt easily, but I'm gonna make sure your heart is ripped out so you never wanna see that sex god upstairs again. Ta-ta!" She grinned and got off the landing of the stairs and left closing the door and locking it with a key.
"No, no, no. This can't be happening." I whispered to myself.
"Harry! Harry!" I screamed.
About twenty minutes later there was a banging at the door.
"Ally! Al! Cat are you down there!?" Harry's voice rang in my ears as he pounded on the door.
"Yeah Harry help me! The door is locked! That bitch has the key." I yelled back.
"She left!" He yelled.
He banged and pounded on the door until finally, he kicked the basement door down.
"Ally!" He ran down the stairs to me.
"What happened?" He asked worriedly.
"After you went upstairs that slut bag pushed me down the stairs. I don't know if I can walk Harry." I said.
"I'll carry you." He said. He picked me up and carried me out of the house.
''Oh and I told her we'd take the house. The upstairs is incredible!" He mentioned.
"Alright. I just need a doctor Harold." I said in pain.
"I know. What's hurting?" He asked lovingly, still cradling me in his arms tightly.
"My ankle. Harry what if its broken? Oh no, I can't have a broken ankle, I have to go to the BRIT AWARDS with you and the boys." I remembered. Okay, now I'm panicking.
"It'll be fine. We'll work something out." He said calmly.
We arrived at the black Range Rover and Harry walked over to the passenger's side and had me open the door. He then placed me in the seat carefully. Then he ran to the other side and climbed in, making sure to fasten his seat belt.
"Now lets go get you X-rayed, babe." He said pulling out.
After a few minutes we pulled up to St. Mary's hospital. Harry and I got out of the Range Rover and he ran over to my side. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I wrapped one around his neck. He helped me limp up to the revolving doors.
"Let's get you into a wheelchair so you don't have to walk anymore." Harry suggested once we got inside the hospital lobby.
"Alright." I said as Harry helped me sit in a wheelchair.

Impenetrable (Harry Styles)
FanfictionAlly (Cat) has the best boyfriend in the world! He'll help her through everything and anything. Harry Styles, her boyfriend, will do anything to be with her through anything, even take time out of One Direction. But it seems like lately right after...