A Done Deal

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Kabuto's mouth quirked upwards and he extended his hand, offering her the Akatsuki ring. She took it and slowly slipped it on her left pinky finger. The lavender hue suddenly disappeared as an overpowering ripple of chakra washed over her. She knew she couldn't turn back now; the ring was immovable, locked—glued on her finger.

"Shall we head out, Sakura-sama?"


"It's confirmed. Orochimaru has been killed by Uchiha Sasuke and his ring is nowhere to be found," Zetsu reported. Pein hummed to himself and gazed out over his city. When Orochimaru was still in his organization, he said that he'd obtain a student and one day, that student would kill him. Pein paid no mind to it, thinking that it was some offhand comment of a crazy man.

Years after his defection, Pein crossed paths with him once more. This time, Orochimaru said that he had a successor that would eventually be attached to the ring he refused to give back.

"Before you make any rash decision, I suggest that you think this through. Whoever my successor is must have some worth if they were to take my place, don't you think?"

Pein let him have his logic and left him alone for the time being. What could he possibly do, predi—

Then chakra he'd never felt before coursed through his body. It was gentle and knowing, confidently pulsing through his veins. He froze. That was certainly not the type of chakra he expected from someone who wore Orochimaru's ring.

Konan looked at him with a raised brow. "Something wrong?" she asked. Pein shook his head and smirked.

"No. I just have a feeling that things are going to get a bit more... interesting."


Two days had passed and Kabuto and Sakura were practically in Ta no Kuni. They rested at a small inn an hour away from the border and were huddled around the fireplace the room had generously offered. Three large maps were strewn across the floor as well as several open books on the history of the country.

"There are several clans that have suffered in the country, more specifically, the Fuuma, the Rinha, and the Shiin. Hanzaki is the leader of the Fuuma and used to carry out rather criminal activities before becoming the temporary leader of Otogakure. Half of his clan, like I had mentioned before, are had been under Orochimaru's leadership. Their clan specializes in using chakra threads and archery. The Rinha are practically extinct. They were fantastic in medical ninjutsu, but I think there is only one of the clansmen left—a kunoichi named Marisu. Then the Shiin... not much could be said about them. They were corrupt and one of their formidable members was Menma. I don't know what's become of him."

Sakura ran a hand through her shoulder-length hair. "Hm. How well is Hanzaki-san handling the village?"

"He's... handling it. Nothing is getting improved and nothing is getting worse. Hanzaki is merely a stand-in for the you, the Shodai Otokage," he replied. The title made a shiver run down her spine as she shifted her weight.

'Shodai Otokage? The minute that heavy name really touches your shoulders, you'll crumble.'

Sakura bit the inside of her cheek to keep her anger down. "How about the village in general? Crime rates, shinobi statistics, state of living?"

"Crime rates are rather high and gangs have started to form in the poorer parts of Otogakure. In general for the shinobi, their stats total mid to upper tens, sometimes low twenties. It's not very impressive. State of living is lower than average since Otogakure hasn't been prospering in recent years. I also have taken the liberty of freeing the prisoners and releasing guards of their duties in all of Orochimaru-sama's hideouts and directing them to the village. You'll have more shinobi, both normal and genetically altered, under your command," he said. Kabuto saw her eyes flash in displeasure at the words genetically altered.

"I see. First, I think the gangs should be disintegrated as much as possible. Get them to shape up or get out. They're putting others at risk with their criminal activities," she frowned. "Among other things, I suppose the money situation isn't that good either, huh? If there isn't any other way, shinobi should be sent out to collect bounties."

"It's a good course of action." Kabuto agreed, "but you'll only be able to put that plan into play if Hanzaki approves of you assuming leadership."

Sakura leaned back onto her palms and looked up thoughtfully. "Either way, I don't think I could leave Otogakure alone now. The village is in ruins. Even if he doesn't accept me, I'll do something to help the people," she said. She then looked out the window, missing the surprised glance Kabuto gave her. She stood up and stretched an arm over her head. "Do you mind if I go out for a bit? I need some air."

"Go ahead, Sakura-sama."

She smiled and left the inn. Sakura walked until she was at the edge of the town, taking refuge on a rock under the leafless trees. Once she knew she was alone, she bit her thumb and sent her hands through a flurry of seals.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

A small version of Katsuyu appeared in the palm of her hand. "Sakura-chan!" she greeted with soft surprise. "It's been awhile since you've summoned me. Is there something you need?"

Sakura looked nervous for a few seconds before her eyes hardened in determination. Her pressed her lips into a thin line. "I really am sorry, Katsuyu-sama, but I request that we terminate the summoning contract between us," she said. Katsuyu stiffened, no doubt having believed that she heard the wrong words. Sakura quickly continued. "It's nothing you've done. I just... I'm breaking all ties with Konoha, and that means I must break ties with Tsunade-shi—Tsunade as well."

"... I understand."

A large scroll appeared on the snow and rolled out, showing various names written in blood. Sakura bit her thumb again and crossed out her own name, marking it invalid. The scroll poofed out of existence, and she looked down at the slug one last time.

"Thank you for being my summon, Katsuyu-sama."

"It's been a pleasure, Sakura-chan. I wish you luck on whatever you strive to do."

She disappeared as well, leaving Sakura alone in the cold.


Tsunade was slightly pleased when Sakura didn't show up for work the first day. She merely assumed that the girl was finally taking that well-deserved break the hospital staff was always bugging her about. On the second day, she was starting to become wary about her absence. Taking a day off was one thing, but two days? Something wasn't right. In the late morning, she sent Shizune to check up on her.

Tsunade didn't want to jump to conclusions, but she couldn't keep the worst case scenarios from running through her head. Then Shizune burst into her office half an hour later, face plastered with panic and a red hitai-ate in her hands.

"S-Sakura-chan's gone! Her apartment's cleaned, her clothes have been cleared out, and all the photos aren't in their frames!"

It was the start of a nightmare.


*There are NO OC's in this chapter. All clans and characters mentioned are actually in either the series or the games. Their history, though, may have been altered to fit the story.


EDITED 2.16.18

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