Chapter 6

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   We walked to there house. It was the same as it was on TV. When we got in the house it was prettier than mine!
"Let me show your room." Amy said
We went down the hall and there was my room. The walls were pink and had wooden floors.
"I love it!" I said running to my bed
When I hit the bed I fell asleep!
I woke up to Amy again shaking me!
"Ember your going to school."
"What do you mean I'm going to school? Isn't still Sunday?" I asked in confusion
"No it's a Monday. You were asleep when we made the decision and they are expecting you!"
"UGH!!!" I said
"Also they will give you your Uniform when you get there."
"Really?!? I have to wear a uniform?!? I wish I can go to school in America where I can wear my regular clothes!" I said laying back down in bed!
"Ember it's only for a little bit!"
"Fine!" I said walking out of my room and into the shower
When I got out, I got dressed and went to the kitchen.
I opened up the cupboard and look through the cereal selection.
"Why is there a creepy puppet guy on the cereal?" I said holding it up to Amy's face.
"Just eat it!" Amy said rolling her eyes
"Fine, but when a yellow puppet guy come popping out of my stomach it's all your fault." I said putting the cereal in a bowl.
I took a bite of the cereal and my taste buds went up to heaven!
When I got done with the cereal I put the bowl in the sink. Then I took out a plastic bag and put some of the cereal in the bag for a snack for later.
"Bye I'm going to school" I said walking out the door
"Do you even know where the school is? Also I'm driving you there."
"No I don't and I can walk myself there."
"Ok since you don't know where it is then I'm taking you there.
"Ok" I said with a sigh
We got in her car and I got in the drivers side on accident.
"Ember, wrong side!" Amy said pulling me out
"Why can't the driver seat be on the left instead of the right? I said going to the other side.
"I don't know." She said putting the keys into the keys slot
We got on the road and headed off to school.
When we to school I got out of the car and headed for the schools doors!
"Have fun at school and since you know where the school is you can walk your self to school now and walk home!" Amy said rolling down her window down.
"Thanks." I said
As I got in the school it was busy! Every kid was at there locker. I went to go search for the principle or I should probably say Head teacher!
When I found the head teacher office I walked in.
"Knock before coming in ma'am!" The head teacher said.
I slammed the door and knocked on it gently. "May I come in ma'am?"
"Thank you! What may I help you with?" She said looking at me with a creepy smile.
"Umm...I'm new." I said looking at the ground
"Speak at me when your talking!" She said slamming her hands on the desk!
I looked up "well I'm not looking because I don't want to see your ugly face." I said
After I said that her face turned red!
"What did you say?" She said standing up from her seat.
"I said your face is beautiful!" Giving her a fake smile!
"If you give me smart talk ever again than you will be saying bye bye to your education."
"Okay" I said looking down at the ground again
"So what your name?" She said looking down at her papers.
"Ember." I said
"Oh you must be Ember William!" She said with a grin!
"Ember William?" I thought
The head teacher gave me my uniform then she farted.
"Excuse me!" She said giving me a smile.
I paused. This is a Whovian's nightmare when someone farts out of nowhere, you know it's a Slitheen!
I gave her a smile and walked out to go get changed.
When I was done getting dressed I ran to the kitchen to get vinegar.
When I got it I hid it in my bag.
Then I ran back to the head teacher!
"I forgot my schedule and also I know what you are. You're a Slitheen!" I said taking out the vinegar out of my backpack.
She paused at looked at me then she finally respond
"Your very clever Miss Ember. You must not be human yourself!
"That's when your wrong! I'm 100% human!" I said acting all clever
"Then how do you know about us?" She said
"Let's just say I got it from a TV show called 'Doctor Who'!" I said giving a grin
Then I pulled out the vinegar and slash it all over her!
"You will pay for this Ember!" She said bubbling up!
I ran out of the room because I knew she was about to explode. Then I herd a Big Bang!
"Good thing I got my schedule!" I said walking down the hall
A janitor or I should probably call it caretaker was mopping the floors.
"There's a massive mess in the head teacher office!" I said waking pass him
"Ok Ember" he said looking up from his mop
I paused. I looked to see who it was. It was the 12th doctor.
"Ember have we met yet? No wait yes we have. How old are you? That right your 14. Since it 2011." The 12 doctor said
"Ummm... It's 2015 in my dimension." I said
"Oh that's right." He said with a grin
"Why are you here?" I asked
"I got strange readings on the Tardis computer. Someone in the this school is an alien." He said mopping
"Wouldn't that be you? Wow your even dumber then your 11th version." I said crossing my arms
"No I think my 11th version was dumber" he said smiling
"Ok your right! Your also right that there was an alien in the school. It was slitheen and it was disguised as the head teacher."
"Ember did you spray vinegar on it?" He said
"Maybe.." I said looking up at the ceiling.
"Oh so that's why you said 'there was a massive mess in the head teacher office." He said
"Yep. Well I got to get to class" I said
"Ok Ember. Your future is going to be great.
"Yep because I'm going home." I mumbled
As I got to my class and open the door everyone was silent. Then the teacher spoke.
"Guys we have a new student. Say hello to Ember Williams." She said with a grin.
I gave a short wave and no one waved back.
"Please take a seat Ember." She said in a kind voice.
I took a seat right next to the door. As usual. Then I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. Then the guy behind me gave me a note.
"Where are you from?" The note read
I took out a pencil to respond.
"I'm from the United States." I responded
"Cool!" He said on the piece of paper.
We both smiled at each other. I might it like here.
When school got over with, I walked to Amy and Rory house like they told me to.
When I got to the house they were babbling about something. I looked to see what was on the TV and it was an old show. But then what caught my attention is when I saw the Doctor on the TV.
I rush to the door to wait for the mail. When it finally came I looked for the blue envelope. When I found it I ran to Amy and Rory.
"Look guys, TARDIS blue. I said with a smile

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