*Skylars POV*
We all wake up in random positions from the night before. I sit up and look where everyone is. I see Mitch and Jess cuddling. Aaawww. I see Morgan and Lachlan cuddling also. They are so cute together!!! Everyone else is randomly scattered around the place.
I see someone else sit up. It was Preston. He's about to say something but I signal him to be quiet and meet me inside. He does as told and we meet in the living room.
"Whats up?" He asks
"I have a plan" I smirk
"Spill." He says
I tell him the plan and we get our supplies ready:
• water guns
• a tub of water balloons
• go pro on tripod to capture this awesomenessWe start the video. "Hey guys! It's Preston here with this loser!" He whispers motioning to me. I punch him in the arm. "Ow okay she's not a loser! Anyway we were about to wake everyone when we thought, should we be nice? Nope. So we are going to surprise them. Here we go!"
We count to three and Preston shoots water at everyone with two guns while I throw several water balloons. One hits Jerome in the face. Uh oh...
He sits up and screams "WHO DARES TO DISTURB A BACCAS SLEEP?!"
Preston drops his guns and points at me. "She did it!!!" Gee thanks Preston.
Jerome gets up and starts to chase me while everyone laughs. "Jerome no! I'm sorry!!" I try to apologize.
"Well if you put it that way..." He starts and stops running. I slowly walk towards him. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!" He screams and tackles me into the pool.
We resurface and laugh. "Wanna hear something funny?" I ask Jerome.
"What's that?" He replies.
"Preston helped me." I say evily and look over at him, who was now holding the camera.
"Oh really?" Jerome says and gets out of the pool and walks towards Preston
"Well I hope you all enjoyed this video. Got to go!" Preston says before he is tackled by Jerome.
We all laugh. "No but seriously we do need to get ready" Vikk laughs.
"That's cool and all but my clothes are in my hotel..." I say.
"I will take you over there" Jess says
"Once again, that's cool and all buuuut I'm kind of in wet clothes and my shirt happens to be white and I'd prefer if strangers didn't see my bright pink bra...." I trail off
"Here take this" Preston says and tosses me his hoodie.
"Okay now I'm ready to go!" I say
"Sweet!" Kayla and Jess say as we get in the car. We drive about a block and Kayla and Jess scream at the top of their lungs.
"What the fudge?!" I ask
"PRESTON GAVE YOU HIS HOODIE!!!!!" Kayla screams.
"Yeah.... So?" I ask confused
"He SO likes you!" Jess says
"What? No. Psssh..... That was only so people wouldn't see my bra" I say
"Whatever you say..." Kayla tells me
When we arrive I change into black leggings, black Van's, a PrestonPlayz shirt, and I keep his hoodie on for now.
...only because its warm. No other reason... YOU CANT PROVE ANYTHING!!!!
Kayla walks out wearing jeans and a Merome shirt.
"Ready?" I ask
"Ready." She says
We all get into Jess's car and drive to the Minecon building. When we get there everyone is there except Keeley and Morgan. They probably had to change.
As I think that, they walk in. Mitch starts to talk on our plans "In about twenty minutes we have to go to a question panel. So until then we'll stay here and talk and stuff, okay?"
"Sounds good"
We all start talking to each other about random things and out of no where Lachlan says "No Morgan you cannot adopt a baby lion"
We all burst out laughing at this. "Um.. Why do you want a lion?'' Vikk says
" Why do you NOT want one?" I counter for Morgan.
"Because it will grow up to eat us all" Rob said
"We adopted a Bacca and he's not eating anyone. Isn't that right Jerome?" I say
"Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't have urges..." He says and we all laugh "Just kidding!"
"Oh we're ten minutes late to get to the panel!" Preston says
"Oh crap! Bye guys!" Mitch says and they run off. Us girls decide to go find some seats for us. Surprisingly there was still room for us in the VIP section. As we sit down, the guys come out and everyone starts clapping.
"Shall we start the questions?" The announcer guy said
"We shall" Rob replied
"Okay so if you have questions, line up in an orderly fashion behind that mic and ask away!" The announcer guy said
People got up and rushed to the mic. The first person was a boy who looked about ten. "Why were you guys so late?"
"Well we were having a discussion and lost track of time." Vikk said
The little boy seemed okay with this answer and went to sit down. The next person was a 17 year old girl. "What were you discussing?" She asked
"Well we were debating whether or not a lion would be a good pet" Lachlan said laughing and they all looked at us.
There were a few questions about their videos and channels and stuff until I heard a question that I was interested in. It was from a 19 or so year old girl wearing a flower crown. "What are your relationship statuses?"
"Taken." Mitchell said and winked at Jess.
"Single" Jerome said.
"Taken by a beautiful weirdo" Lachlan said and looked at Morgan so I nudged her and she blushed.
"Single like a Pringle" Vikk said. I could have swore he looked over at Keeley.
"Single" Rob said
"Well at the moment I'm single but I plan on asking someone pretty soon" Preston said
Jess and Kayla started freaking out and nudging me. "Oh shut up" I tell them and stand up to get in line. I'm in the back of the line and I think im going to be the last one or close to it.
By the time I'm close to the front of the line about 7 people got in behind me so I'm not last thankfully. The person in front of me asked what their favorite meme was. What kind of question even is that?
I step up to the mic. Here goes. "So um on twitter I saw you hanging out with a sexy model named Skylar or something. What are your thoughts on her? Personally I think that she is amazing but whatever..." I say and they laugh
"She's a bit cocky" Mitchell says "But other than that she's great"
"She's really awkward" Vikk says
"Really? She comes off as smooth and did I mention that she's sexy?" I say laughing
"Nah mate, she's a jag. She likes to wake people up with water balloons" Lachlan said
"Yeah I don't know about her..." Jerome says.
We all laugh "Well what if I were to tell you she's here now!" I say and pull off my sunglasses. "Bet you didn't expect that now did ya?"
"Oh my gosh I'm so scared! Please don't hurt me for what I said Senpai" Lachlan mocks
"I guess I'll have mercy on you. But only if you guys buy me and the girls dinner later!" I say
"Fiiiiiiine" Rob moans
"Okay imma sit down now. And I like burgers" I say and walk to my seat
"We know" Preston says
The last few people ask their questions and the Q&A is over. Burger time.
A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days! Family stuff. : / But I'm only human! I tried to make this extra long and I'm thinking about updating twice today. Make sure that if you have ideas or opinions to comment them or message me! Love you all!
-Ash <3