Prologue |

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Alec looked up into the night sky as the stars illuminated the blackness above. It reminded him of himself. He was the darkness and the few people he ever cared about was the stars that illuminated him. They were gone now. The stars in his sky were gone, leaving him in the depths of his own despair.

He didn't have anyone now,the only one who could tolerate him and the little inside her. They were his future but now he knew he didn't have one.

Nothing to live for so what's the point in living right?

He sat on the park bench, it was a few hours after sunset. The only time he could leave his home without bursting into flames.

Leaning back against the bench and propping up his legs on the small picnic table in front of him, he closed his eyes, pictured a world where he could be happy. His beautiful wife and their first born who would take the throne after him. His wife, her beautifully carved face with her blonde hair stopping around her shoulders. Her blue eyes that reminded him of the day sky that he could no longer see. He regretted the outcome of what happened a few nights ago but he knew it was going to happen that way. He knew what he was capable of.

Cupping his face in his hands he rested his elbows on his knees. If he cried he'd be bawling his eyes out right now but he couldn't, instead he sat in silence praying for his death.

"Excuse me mister." A soft child like voice cooed and his head reluctantly raised for him to see whoever was talking to him. It was a little girl. Her black hair was in a braid running down her back and her green gems for eyes were starring at him. She had on a blue dress fit for bed with a pair of pink flip flops in her small feet she looked short enough to reach by his Alec's hips or the beginning of his thighs and he was sure he was bigger than her even as he sat down.
He held her gaze once more and the little girl smiled, showing him where she was missing one of her front teeth. She was small but you could see she would grow up to become a fine woman.

"Have you seen Mr. Cuddles? I think I left him here when I came earlier." She asked and Alec shook his head. Strange that she wasn't afraid of him, he should at least intimidate her but she looked calm and normal like huge males like him was a normality for her.

The little girl came closer and stood in front of Alec's sitting form putting her hands on her tiny hips and twisting up her face a little to look angry but even so she looked adorable. "Liar!" She snapped and pointed to the empty seat next to Alec. He bent his head to see what she was pointing at and to his surprise there was a small stuffed bear next to him. Camouflaging in the darkness.

"Come on Mr. Cuddles lets get you back home." The little girl took up the bear but before she left she stopped and stared at Alec.

What was this little girl's deal?

"What's your name?" She asked and Alec shook his head. He wasn't in the mood to entertain people but this little girl was amusing to watch. Bringing his thoughts out from the dark hole that they were in.

"Its okay if you don't want to talk to strangers. My mummy tells me not to talk to strangers either but you look lonely." The little girl said catching Alec by surprise. He was about to tell the little girl to leave or something so he wouldn't have a little girl pittying him. It sucked when someone felt sorry for you but having a little girl do it was emasculating.

A woman's voice echoed through the park before he could tell the girl off. "Violet! Come on. It's late we'll come get him tomorrow!" The feminine voice called and the little girl hugged her teddy to herself and began to run off in the direction the woman had called.

The girl, Violet, turned around and waved to Alec. "Good bye mister."

Alec found himself waving to the interesting little human girl as she walked toward the mother's call.

The little girl said goodbye but Alec had a strong feeling he was going to see her again but this time, he was going to find her.

The Vampire's Bride Copyright© August 2015 All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or by any information storage and retieval system without the written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, event, or localies is entirely coincidental.
Any pictures, videos or quotes I add on are not mine.
Forgery and theft of even the shortest sentence is punishable by law.

(Obscene language would be included in here and I will include notes if anything else is to come up)
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Side note for any haters, I understand that I'm not a professional. Writing for me is just for fun. Please keep your negative remarks to yourself. Thank you. As long as that's clear, I hope the rest of you enjoy my book.


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