Am I staying ?

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Allison's p.o.v

                   I sat down on the floor, wishing that everyone I knew didn't have to do anything with supernaturals. I missed Scott , Lydia , Stiles and Aria. Especially my dad. They were all in Beacon Hills and I am stuck in Las Vegas. I wanted to go back ...

Someone knocks on the door , but I just sat down and waited for the person to go away. I think he left. WRONG ! He knocked again and again until I looked at the peeping hole - I think that's what it's called - and saw that it was the no other than Isaac.

" Allison ! open the door " he said.

" Okay " I chuckle. By the way , he's the only one that knows that I'm here.

" Allison , we need to- " He says but I cut him off.

" Talk about the Scott thing ? " I say.

" Don't you see Scott , Lydia , Aria , Stiles and your dad are looking for you already. I already have 70 messages in a WEEK. A WEEK. Most of them came from Scott ! " he tells me.

" Scott , I miss him Issac but until the supernatural flow is there. I don't know " I fall on the bed after telling him how I really feel. 

" If you miss him , go back. Your risking many lives here. Don't you see it ! If you love Scott, go after him  " He says. I felt my arm melt. I'm kinda glad that I dated a guy like him though.

I smiled and thanked him. I packed my bags,  my clothes, pictures and all the other things and left the room. Isaac accompanied me too, actually. I got a taxi and just waited here. 

" Did you love Scott , Isaac ? " I asked him.

" Yes " he softly replied.

" Why didn't you ever come back ? " I asked him.

" I don't know ... " he replied. Okay then.

Scott's p.o.v

              I missed her so much. Every time I looked at her room , I cried. It was decorated with black and white. It felt heartbreaking , It felt like one part of me was destroyed. I remembered the time we  danced together, it was great. Why'd she leave me ? 

I sat down there and just waited for her. Maybe she was coming back.  I feel in my heart that she is coming back and I can't wait for her to come back. I just sat on the floor, near her room and slowly my eyes started to close and I drifted to sleep.

----------------When I woke up -----------

I felt so groggy right now. Wait , why am I on the couch ? What happened here ? What ... the hell just happened can someone explain to me why I am in the couch and why am I here ? tell me it was just a dream. 

" Hey Scott , you were asleep on the floor so I kinda had to pull you to the couch and yah " Allison said. It wasn't a dream,she came back.

" why were you gone ? I freaking missed you for sake ! I thought I was gonna lose you. Where did you stay ? I want to know now. Were you with anyone ?! " I asked her.

"  First, If I would tell you the reason you would get mad. Second , I went to a hotel in Las Vegas,  third, I was with Isaac ! He's like a brother to me " she replied to me.

" As long as your here , that's fine by me. " I smiled and she hugged me. 

" Anyways ,  I just wanted to tell you something " She tells me.

" What is it  ? "

" I want to move out of this place, it has a weird vibe, After everything that has happened you know what I mean " she says.

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