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Hey loves, I'm sorry I haven't updated. Like I said a lot has been going on. So I'm trying. Please bare with me. I'm gonna try to make this chapter as long as possible☺

Elanas P.O.V
I pulled Sebastian into a hug while thranduil got rid of the body. We had so much to explain but he is only five I don't know how well he will take the news that his father was not his real father and that thranduil and I killed him. You don't simply explain something like that. A lot was going through my head like what will this do to him? Its so easy to become bitter to things like this. I do not want Sebastian to turn out like me. Because if be does it will not end well. But luckily he is not as reckless as me... A knock pulled me from my thoughts thranduil was standing there looking and nodding at me then walked over and stood next to me. I pulled back from the hug and looked at Sebastian.
"Is-is d-dad d-dead?" He asked in a shaking voice. I nodded my head. He started crying loudly. I looked at thranduil to ask if I should tell him and he nodded.
"Sebastian" he looked up "Raton is not our real dad." He looked at me in disbelif.
"No he is!" He said almost to loud.
"No he isn't. He killed dad. Because he wanted power. He didn't love mum." I said crying.
"Oh" he said looking at me.
"I'm sorry Sebastian I know this is alot to take in." Thranduil said hugging Sebastian. He was always great with kids.
"Its okay. He got what he deserved." Sebastian said coldly. I looked at Sebastian with disbelief.
"What its something you would of said." He said to me.
Oh my God.
I froze. But got pulled out of my thoughts when Legolas can over to me. And asked if he could take Sebastian and do something with him something fun. I nodded and he put his hand on my shoulder nodded. Then walked away with Sebastian.....
Thranduil kissed me on the forehead and smiled at me..
"You did a good job" he whispered.
"He is turning into me" I said in a whisper.
"Yes he is"
"That's not a good thing." I said.
"Well. I would rather have him be like you then him being like Raton." He was right. I shouldn't be afraid of him being like me. He could be much worse. Much much worse......
We heard a crash in the kitchen and we ran down the hall way. Hoping nothing to bad happened. Then we heard a blood curdling scream...
Well loves. That is the new update. I hope you all enjoyed it!! COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS! what do you think happend in the kitchen!!?? Comment!!!!!
Love you all!

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