I always sit and cry. My parents don't know what happens in school and probably don't even care. I always get bullied that apparently my parents don't care about me but only if it was true I would believe em...
My sister( well she sort of is) is a bully too she says mum loves her more but obv it's a total lie!!!!
Anyways I have to sleep now because I don't want to be late for school for the 29th time again!! I don't want my school report to be such a failure, because I want to go to TGI'S FRIDAY like mum promised me.
So bye guys!!!!!!
Rachel Williams
Short StoryHey it's Rachel Williams here and well it's about me and my horrible life, mum and dad being divorced and my annoying sister( well she is sort of ). It's a really interesting story so plz read and comment❕❕❕