Chapter 7 - Meeting the blue eyed Boy

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I was literally screaming in pure excitement. Few minutes left before my part time job starts. It will be my first day in work.

Haha! I promise, I will do my best and dedicate everything on this job. I'm not that nervous cause I know Carter is my work mate.

"Carter!." I called out.

He turn to look at my direction then he smiled. Finally in front of him, I pat his shoulder and I smiled at him. "Looking excited, are we?." he stated.

Excited?. Really excited, to be honest.

"I'm excited. Really excited."

"Let's go?."

We hopped inside his car and we drove off the parking lot. The whole drive from UL to work almost took thirty minutes. Not bad.

Carter parked his car and we made our way inside. As expected, the shop is full of people.

Carter, held my hands and grabbed me to the worker's place.

"Go, change into uniform."

I snapped back to my reverie.
"Oh! Okay!"

I found the restroom and I quickly change into my plain white polo and black pencil-cut skirt. Carter gave me an unusual smile the moment he saw me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just can't believe that we're working on the same shop. Fairytale like isn't?."

Fairytale?. Carter? Evans talking about Fairytales!?. Haha! What an unusual to hear from him.

I cringe my nose. "Ugh!. Fairytale?. Stop with that daydreaming, li'l boy. I'm no fan of any fairytale."

"Tsk. Why so goodvibes killer?." he rant.

We continue arguing over little things, more likely called as kid topic that resulted on our little kid fight. We were debating wheather if Snow White or Sleeping Beauty really reached their happy endings - and I can't believe that I'm arguing this kind of topic with no other than just my boy bestfriend. I can accept the fact if I'm debating this kind of topic with George or any other girls but with Carter?, It was totally ridiculous.

"New here?" someone interrupted our little fight and I was quick to look who it was.

A tall girl with strawberry red hair and in same uniform as mine, were currently talking to us. Right at this moment. "Oh. Yeah. I'm new." I said.

She nods her head upside down before looking at me with those deep gray eyes. "So, can you start to work now and stop flirting with Carter. It's work hour."

And my jaw literally dropped at that statement. I fake a laugh. "Oh, wait, first, I'm not flirting with Carter. Second, he's my best friend since the time you didn't know. And last, I'm just a newbie here. So, yeah."

I glanced at Carter and he was giving this red head girl a really obvious fake smile and I nearly laugh infront of her because of Carter's face.

She starred at me from head to toe and then I saw her rolled her eyes at me. "Get to work." she said, then leave us standing and looking at her retreating figure.

"Do you know her?" I asked to Carter the moment the red haired girl disappeared on our sight.

I glanced at him and he nods. "Yup."

"Is she really like that? So ill-tempered?"

Carter shrugged. "Not all the time. She was just acting like that if there's a new staff or employee."

Seriously?. Now I get why she's picking on me.

"Oh." is the only thing I said.

"So!. First, you have to choose. You want to serve the foods-" a waitress?.


"-or you want to help prepare the orders?." and a smile automatically appeared on my lips.

"I think I'll choose to help prepare the foods."

"Good choice! Atleast we could avoid-you-breaking all the fragile cups and plates."

Seriously?. I'm not a glass breaker!. How could he say that!. I hit his arms playfully. "That was just a double-meaning statement!"

He laughed, "No it wasn't" and I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, newbie-"


He nods his head, "Yeah. You just called yourself a newbie a minutes ago so why not let's just called you in that name."

"Whatever, Carter." I rant.

Carter oriented me on everything that I should do. He told me the things that I should avoid. He also intruduced me to Steve Harrison. Steve is the one who takes over the whole kitchen area. He's in his fourty's already. I roam my eyes around the kitchen and surprised that I am familiar with most cooking things in here. Most things were used for baking or cooking pastries.

"Steve, you're the one who's baking, right?"

He laughs. "Of course, Sweetheart. I do all. Making cakes, baking cookies, brewing the coffee, making the desserts. And I'm glad I have someone to talk to now. I could stand as your second father."

Steve was very nice. He really acts like a father to me. He talks a lot about his expiriences since he worked on this huge coffee and tea house-and dessert house, I should say. He loves to do all his work in this area and I told him that I will be my pleasure to work with him.

"So, I leave you two here? I need to get back on the cashiere just before Anne boiled her blood in me."

"Anne?" I mumble. Now who's Anne?.

"Anne. The red haired girl." and I get it.

"Oh." is the only word I was able to said.

"So, I'm going out now. I'll leave you two here." Carter beamed his goodbye and for pete's sake! It's like he's going to the wonderland and we'll never gonna see him again!. He's just on the counter for all I know.

I smiled at him. "Scootch!"

He walked closer to me and bear hugged me. Seriously? Is he going to die soon?. Haha

I tried to get out of his bear hug but I just can't. How much I try, I really can't. "Carter!"

Finally, he released me from his hug and then he now pats my head.

"Steve, could you please take a look after my princess?. She might cut herself when she's holding a knife." seriously? And what? His princess?

"A princess?" I asked.

Steve laughed adorably at the two of us. Carter smiled at me one last time then he head outside.

"Young hearts. You two really suites together. Your boyfriend really loves you, Bella." err.

I head towards the baking tools, getting myself ready for this work. "He's not my boyfriend. He's just my best friend."

He glanced at me. "Everything starts with a friendship. A really deep friendship."


I fake a laugh. "I don't think so."

I heard him sighed as he walks over the table and carried the bag of flour. "Believe me." He added.

The Sweetest Love (1D Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora