~ Chapter 2 ; The Sea ~

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Date: ???
Time: Somewhere between 0000 and 2359
Place: This Universe. Probably.

"Not again," I groan and sit up.

I don't like fainting. I've never fainted in my life before.
Except today.
Unless I was out for- YOU KNOW WHAT NEVER MIND-

Opening my eyes, I shake my head and feel sand against my ears.
I frown. It's like someone partially buried me...

I take a deep breath, then falter, because I realize that the air is blue... I was underwater.
I quickly clamp a hand over my mouth and blink a few times. I feel pretty dry.

Slowly, I remove my hand and breathe. N-nothing... no water. I blow out and a stream of bubbles float upwards.
"Cool..." more bubbles.
I don't think it's normal to be able to talk underwater... is it? Am I even talking?

This is getter unbelievabler and unbelievabler...

I get up to my feet and kick off the ground. I swim upwards through what's water yet seems like thick air and my head breaks the surface of the so called water.

I look around, breathing in the fresh sea air. I'm still completely dry. In front of me is the shore. It's a beach. A few tall buildings are behind it, and I can see the statue of liberty in the distance. Far off distance.
Everything looks real and it looks so HD... I have HD eyes... or I guess my eyesight was always bad.
That makes no sense...

I'm still on earth.
And I'm in America?

I smirk. This'll be fun.

I start swimming towards the shore. The water was lukewarm and I can swim easily, though I've never properly learnt before. Wait, am I a daughter of Poseidon? Probably... but I have the personality traits of a lot of the Gods... could be anyone. But that doesn't matter now. The water thing is probably because I just arrived, I can't die so soon... That would be bad.

When the water is at my waist, I hesitate. The sun had just risen so there isn't anyone here. I start for the shore when suddenly, something drags me back down into the water.

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