I was sitting in my living room and nothing to do it was hot out so I had shorts and a tank-top, I sighed. Then there was a knock on my door, I got up and went to the door and grabbed my bat incase it was a stranger. I quickly opened the door and held up the bat ready to strike when I saw Ichigo. "Hey put that down Reira!" Ichigo said holding up his hands in defense. I sighed in relief and said, "What do ya need carrot-top?" He had an irk mark, "Don't call me that!" He yelled. "Whatever just come in so you don't draw attention!" I said moving out of the doorway for him. "And I need you to help me with tonight's homework." He replied to my earlier question. "Which one?" I asked bluntly. "History. And what's with you?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I replied. "You've been off lately." He answered. "It's nothing." I said. He sighed and came up in my face. "I know you Reira. Something's up." He looked me in the eyes. "I said it's nothing." And with that I turned away and went to get my homework.
"Hey where are you goin'?" Ichigo asked. "My homework for you to copy idiot." I replied. He sighed and sat down where I was and put his feet on the coffee table, arms behind couch and his head back with his eyes closed. It took me a while since I'm very unorganized and had to dump everything out of my bag. When I came back, he was asleep. I smirked and decided to play a prank, "Ichigo~" I cooed sounding very different. He woke up scared, "Ah Reira someone's-- REIRA?!" Ichigo said seeing me. I laughed and waved, "Hay~" I said laughing. "Don't do that! I thought some lady was gonna rape me!" He said. I sighed, "Ichigo if someone would come into my house I would beat them to a pulp with my bat! You know that!" I said smiling and holding up my bat. He sweatdropped.
"Yeah that is you." He said ruffling my hair. "Hey don't do that!" I said swatting his hand away. He looked down at me, "What?" I asked. "Something is wrong. Tell me." He said seriously. I gave him the homework, "No." I said also serious.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to talk about it!"
"Is it because of the bullies? Inoue? Neglect? Or are you just pissed?"
I looked at him wide eyed, he knew all four. Could he read me that easily? Even though we've been friends at birth he could never read me not ever so why now? I then turned my back to him and started to walk to my room, but he grabbed my wrist. "Tell me what is wrong Reira. You can tell me anything." He said. I looked away.
"All four of them."
He looked at me with a hurt expression, "Reira." He said quietly. He engulfed me in a hug. I was surprised at first but then hugged back. I hugged him tight and so did he, "Reira cry if you want it's ok." He said.
"No. I never cry and you know that."
"But this time it's okay."
". . .my parents died last night from a raiding at the mall. While we were shopping, this guy came in and robbed them and when they didn't give them the stuff, the robber shot them down and left me there. I watched the whole thing."
He pulled back shocked, and wide eyed. "What?....." He said. He couldn't believe it "No, how? Reira I'm so sorry." Ichigo said sadly. He didn't know what to say and I smiled, and hugged him. "It's okay Ichi, I have you and your family as my family and my friends also. I'll be okay really." I said reassuring. Ichigo had a sympathetic look on and he hugged me tightly. "What are you gonna do for a living?" he asked.
"Well I could find a job and pay off the bills. I mean it can't be that hard right?"
He sighed, "From now on, you're living with my family! And no refusing!" He said looking at me seriously. I smiled a sad smile, and laughed. "Alright then." I said. "Oh! And there's this new person with us too her name is Nozomi..." He said trailing off and rubbing the back of his head. "Ok, and?" I asked for more info. "I dunno I have to tell my father that you'll be staying with us and we'll see what we can do." Ichigo said looking at me. "Kay." I said going to pack. I stopped and turned my head to the side to look at him, "Oh! And when I sell the house I can give the money to Isshin okay?" I asked. He nodded and started to pack. "Oh and when I sell the stuff I don't need you can have it." I said disappearing into another room before he could respond.
-skip the packing and selling the stuff-
"Here Isshin, this is for letting me stay here. And here Ichigo for offering me to live here." I said handing them the cash. They looked at me in disbelief, "What? You guys need it I have no use for it." I said smiling and bowing. "Reira." Ichigo said sadly while looking at me. Isshin smiled and said, "Don't worry Reira we'll take it." Isshin said. "WH-?!" Ichigo got cut off by his father. Isshin went up to his ear and said, "Just take it so you don't hurt her feelings." He said. Ichigo sighed and nodded. I yawned and said, "I'm tired." Isshin smiled and gave me a big hug, "Now I have a 5th daughter!!" he said squeezing me to death. "Isshin....can't breathe!" I managed. He laughed and let go, "You need a room right? you can share with Ichigo and Rukia!" He said. "Uh no it's fine! I'll sleep on the roof! I used to do it with my family all the time!" I said frowning at the last part. Isshin had a questionable look and Ichigo had a saddened one. Before Isshin asked I walked outta the house, and started walking down the street.
As I was walking I saw the bullies from school walking in my direction. I quickly took the next turn and walked faster. I heard their laughs as they were following. "Hey Hakushoni! Why did you just come out of Kurosaki's?" the leader said. "Tch why should you know?" I mumbled as I walked faster. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the wall hard. I glared up at him, "Oh is she gonna runaway from us? Or have Kurosaki come and beat us up?" He asked coldly. "No, I'm done running! I'm gonna fight back on my own!" I said spitting in his face. "Why you! Get her!" He said. Then his gang started to grab me and shoved me to the ground, while touching places they shouldn't. The leader of the gang gave me a wet sloppy kiss, and it was gross. I struggled to get away but they held me down and did terrible things. And I think you can guess what it was. . .
-A few hours later-
"Heh! Leave her here to die." One of them said getting up. "Yeah." Said another one as they kicked me. I coughed, "I hope you had fun you little shit!" The leader said smirking and leaving. I tried to sit up and failed, I've just been raped, and beaten half to death. Great what will they do? Worry? No. . .I don't want that, I managed to get up and fixed my clothing. I stumbled back to the house and stopped before reaching for the doorknob. My hand accidently his it and made a noise, I heard someone get up I was frozen but then reacted quickly and jumped on the roof.
-inside the house No one's P.O.V.-
Everyone was eating; "I ownder where Reira is her food is getting cold." Yuzu said. Just then they heard the doorknob turn a slight bit. "I'll get it." Ichigo said standing up. But when he was halfway there they heard something on the roof. Ichigo looked up and then looked at his father who nodded and Isshin got up as well and went outside. They opened the door and walked outside to face their house. They looked at the roof and saw something moving, "You show yourself!" Ichigo yelled. The person flinched and had a crackly voice saying, "No." very weakly. The person shook and Ichigo recognized that voice and so did Isshin. "Reira?" Isshin asked. Just then everyone else but Karin and Yuzu came out and took a look. "Who's up there Ichigo?" Rukia asked. He had a saddened face on, "We believe it Reira. And whoever it is they seem to be hurt badly." Isshin said. Ichigo ran inside and up the stairs to the roof. When he saw who it was his eyes widened. "Riera?" Ichigo said shocked.
-Reira's P.O.V.-
"Reira?" Ichigo asked shocked. I looked behind me and I was shaking and I had my arms over my torso protectively, he ran over. "Ichigo who is it?!" Isshin yelled up. Ichigo didn't answer he just started at the condition I was in. He slowly held out his arms and picked me up bridal style, and brought me downstairs onto the couch. Isshin and the others ran inside, "Reira!" Yuzu and Karin said running over. Nozomi looked at me cautiously before asking Rukia quietly, "Who's that?" Rukia just stared at me in disbelief before answering, "Riera Hakushoni, she's like Family to everyone here." Nozomi came over and stared at me, "Reira tell us what happened!" Ichigo said. It took a while before I could answer, "I bet you already know." I said quietly before turning to my side. Isshin looked at Ichigo and Ichigo said, "Beaten, and raped?" I nodded and Isshin picked me up and took me to the clinic part of the house. He fixed me up and I was now laying in the room alone looking up at the lights.
Just then there was a knock on the door, I turned to my side and closed my eyes quickly before they could come in. I heard the door open and footsteps come over, "I know you're awake, Reira." They said. I opened my eyes to reveal Ichigo, he looked worried. "Reira, why did you run off like that?" he asked. I turned away and he sighed heavily. "Please talk to me." He begged. "They insulted you Ichigo." I said. "Then they wouldn't stop. Did terrible things, beat me." I continued and started crying. 'I'll kill them! They hurt Reira! And badly they went too far! They. . .raped her.' He thought. He had been staring at me but he then engulfed me in a big hug. "I-Ichigo?" I asked surprised. He didn't say anything he just held me tightly. I hugged back tightly, just then he pulled back having his hands on my shoulders. "Reira I promise to protect you with all I can." Ichigo said serious while looking me in the eyes.
I was shocked, "Ichigo. . ." I said trailing off. "I swear with my life that I will protect you!" He said. I stared at him shocked, Ichigo's face softened and he smiled. 'I can't help but worry about her. . .the need to protect her with my life. . .I think I may. . .love her. . .I love my best friend...' Ichigo thought.