XIII; My bestfriend just disappeared with her lesbian girlfriend

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Dan hadn't completely left behind his pastel-ness. His shirt was a light pink-lilac colour, and his tie was a little darker, with red hearts on it. He would have worn a black one, but it wouldn't have matched the roses. His hair was straight, but he could feel the curls breaking out, so he hoped they weren't going anywhere humid. Hailey had left five minutes ago, leaving Dan waiting at the front door patiently, well-impatiently. His thoughts were broken by the knocking on the door, and he answered it, face to face with Phil. "Uhm, hi, uh.." Dan began, eyes wide, Phil giving him a small smile. He looked out of the ordinary, but still himself. His hair was normal, and it wasn't like his piercings weren't there, but his outfit just seemed off.

Dan reached over, fixing the crooked bow tie with a smile tugging at his lips. "You look nice." He said, and Phil raised his eyebrows. "Shouldn't I tell you this?" He gave him a small peck on the nose and stepped further back on the porch. "Probably." Dan replied, shutting the door. "We're not the kind of people for tradition though, it seems." "Is it alright?" Phil's attention was on Dan's head, and Dan nodded, grinning. "Although, it'll wilt." He pouted, and Phil shrugged. "You won't wear it again after all. You look nice normally."

Dan gripped Phil's hand as they walked, and he felt Phil's hand on his waist, his face going red like the roses on his head.

"So, where we heading?" He asked, managing to keep himself from staring at Phil, directing his attention at the sidewalk. "Somewhere." Phil teased, and Dan could feel his heart still racing in his chest. "Ah, okay." "Are you excited?" Phil asked, and Dan let out a breathy laugh. "I don't know where we're going, but yeah." He reached up to peck Phil's lips, and when they stopped in front of a fancy restaurant, Dan inhaled sharply. "Do you want me to pay for myself, because I can, this looks really-" Phil gave him a look, and Dan faltered, "Seriously, Phil, I-"

"It's a date," Phil clarified, "I'm paying."

"Hey." Leaning over Phil's shoulder was a familiar face. Hailey. "We're on a date too, that's surprising." She said, holding a girl's hand. "Hey Charlie." Smiled Dan, waving. Quietly, they departed as they got into the restaurant. "That was cute, you know? They're a nice couple." Hummed Phil, and immediately tensed. "Fuck." He muttered quietly, and Dan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Are you alright?" He asked gently, rubbing Phil's arm with his fingers lightly. "Dan, we need to get out of here."

Their fingers laced, and pulling him up and over to him, Phil kept a hand on Dan's lower back as they headed out of the shop.

A scream happened in the shop, and Dan turned to run back inside, Phil keeping a grip on his wrist. He was panicking. "Stop! Stop! Let me go!" Screamed Dan, and the moment he was released, he ran back inside, eyes looking around. Everything was okay, except Charlie and Hailey. They were gone.

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