You were around your friend Italy's house, he was making what once your favourite dish pasta and which was of course his 'Heaven on earth' dish. You couldn't help guilty for not making an attempt to eat it when he would eventually give you some so you decided to speak up before he served, "Hey Feli?" you uttered to the Italian as he turned to you smirking, his curl bobbing along with him cutely which made you humbly smile over at him, as much as you didn't want to give him force hope with the smile you couldn't help but not do so in his presence. "I actually ate before I came here, I am not really that hungry..." your words drifted off as his eyes became wide. "Not... wanting... pasta?" he questioned, words broken up. "What do you mean you don't want pasta, you always want pasta?" he worried slightly, his accent fragmenting the words he spoke to you as his jaw dropped at you.
"Sorry but I really am full" you tried to convince him failing as your stomach growled, he looked at you and then your stomach. "Your stomach is telling you another thing Y/N, I will cut down your portion!" he chuckled and went back to stirring the little yellow tubes in the water. He started to strain the wheat made food and then got out a ladle to serve up with, you gulped as you saw him begin to place the pasta on your dish, you thought a reduced size would be something like half a ladle, but you were wrong... really wrong. Ladle after ladle after ladle was piled onto your plate as he then just poured the rest of the pasta which was remaining onto his china plate smirking. He turned around with both pieces of pottery in his hands, placing the smaller but humungous portioned one in front of you. It made you feel sick and not to mention worried, he wanted you to eat all this but you physically couldn't, yes, at one point in your past you would of shovelled it down but now things had changed.
"Really feli I am not capable of eating this much..." you told him about to put it onto his plate as he shook his head, "Please Y/N just eat a little, for me?" he asked his tone lowered slightly as his eyes became dull, you could tell he was upset as a small frown appeared on his face and worry smothered ever inch of his face. You gulped and sweat dropped a little as you looked at the plate picking up your fork and swivelling it in the food. He began to eat his and within seconds he was down, he went to turn and wash up his dish and when he did you took the opportunity to put the pasta on your plate into the close bin. You wiped your brow and quickly put your plate down silently, you looked up at him and sighed as he turned. "Oh Bella your done, I thought you weren't hungry?" he charmed slightly as you shook your head, "I wasn't but I couldn't help put eat it..." you lied to your best friend and also crush, you felt your heart sink as you looked down and sighed. "Hey can I quickly use your bathroom?" you asked and smiled as he nodded, "You know where it is!" he chuckled and pointed slightly then took your plate to wash it.
As you disappeared off to the toilet, Italy went to place one of the letters he had off of Romano in the bin, he opened the top to see the pasta mixed in with the trash. He looked down emotionlessly as small little tears came into contact with his waterline, he turned to the direction of the bathroom as he saw you walking out. He looked back down at the bin as you noticed what he was starring at. You eyes widened and your frowned, tears started to drip down your face as well as his. "Y/N?" he looked over at you once again, your heart felt a massive pang, "I am sorry Feli!" you told him and sighed walking over and placing a hand on his bicep, he pulled away coldly... "You lied to me and you didn't eat, what is going on... now thinking about it, this isn't the first time. Why aren't you eating Y/N..." then like a bomb it hit him, his lip started to quiver. "No..." he murmured as you realized he now understood, you looked down to your feet ashamed as he started to full on cry.
"Why d-didn't you t-t-tell m-me?" he stuttered as you looked at him. "I didn't want to concern you..." you frowned as he shook his head, "You will always concern me... I love you..." he burst out as you looked back up at him. "Love me?" you asked as he nodded. "Ti voglio bene..." he told you in his native tongue then pulled you into a hug, "Please don't do this to yourself... you are perfect to me, I don't want you to change one bit so don't let you or anyone else tell yourself differently, okay?" you couldn't speak as you hugged him back tightly, burying your crying face into his shoulder then nodding. "Thank you Bella..." he told you and rubbed your back, "You know I will always love you... no matter what..." those words repeated in your mind as you smiled weakly, "I will stop, for you..." you told him and looked up at him meeting your eyes with your eyes, you knew from that day onwards you knew what he meant it...

Broken Love Story (Hetalia X Reader One Shots)
FanfictionHallo my little Mochi-Hetalians, this is just a quick warning as some of these chapters contain ideological material and some have mental health problems in their. Some are about WW1 and 2 for instance, also some are like depression and anxiety. Thi...