Luna and Rolf were completely depressed about the fact their sons would be leaving them to go to Hogwarts. Mr. Lovegood was the only one ecstatic to learn about his grandsons' performances at school and also to have some peace. Whenever the Scamander's weren't abroad and Luna and Rolf had to work, he ended up babysitting the twins which were a hand full of work, specially Lysander.
"Aunt Luna!" Lily greeted, going to hug her godmother tight.
"Good morning, dear!" Luna smiled, before going to greet the girl's parents. "Ginny, how have you handled this?"
"She cried for three days when Teddy went away." Harry confessed with a laugh, receiving a slap from his wife.
"It'll get better, Lu!" Ginny assured her.
From the distance, Luna saw Percy and Audrey fussing around little Lucy while Molly stood next to them rolling her eyes. The Finnigan's arrived shortly after with a very excited Dylan.
"Where have you put their trunks?" Seamus asked Rolf, who immediately helped him place Dylan's stuff on the same compartment as the twins' and Lucy's. John and Lily said their goodbyes and went inside the train to their compartment with the Wood twins, Hugo and Lie Wong (she had become a good friend to Carter).
"Well, darling." Susan began, pulling Dylan to a tight hug. "Have a good term, will you?"
"Have fun, buddy." Seamus kissed his son's head and brought him to a hug.
The Scamander's were awkwardly looking at each other, not sure of how to say goodbye. Harry and Ginny had excused themselves to talk with Ron and Hermione (they both were ecstatic for Rose's nomination for prefect). Rolf knelt in front of his two sons while Luna placed her arms around his neck.
"Well, boys, I hope you do have fun." Rolf wished.
"Enjoy the pudding." Luna laughed. "It's the best part."
"I'm sure it is." Lorcan agreed, with dreamy eyes.
"Promise us you'll write." Rolf asked of them.
"Of course, Dad." Lysander guaranteed. "And you guys are going to be here for Christmas, right?"
"We plan to, love." Luna smiled. She and her husband would be leaving for Canada in the next day, to research in their tundra. "Now, off you go. I love you both."
"Send my love to grandpa Lovegood." Lorcan requested, hugging his mother while his brother hugged Rolf.
"I will, pumpkin." Luna promised.
The Scamander twins waved goodbye to their aunts and uncles on the Platform and boarded the Hogwarts Express. Lucy was waiting for them inside, together with Dylan. They all proceeded to find their own compartment and settled inside, waving off to their parents through the window.
"I've just realised both my godparents will be in Hogwarts with me. Damn." Lysander commented after a few minutes the train had left the station.
"Why so worried, Lys?" Lucy asked, with a brow lifted. She never really liked Lysander as she loved Lorcan. Despite being identical twins, the two boys were completely different from one another. While Lorcan had a heart of gold, capable of doing anything for his friends and family, Lysander was crabby, always after Molly II to be apart of whatever new evil plan she got going on. Dylan didn't like Lysander too, but he was Lorcan's brother and it would be extremely rude if they asked him to leave their compartment.
"Nothing much." The boy answered with a roll of eyes. The compartment door opened to reveal a brown skinned boy with green eyes and a nice smile. He grinned widely to the sight of the Scamander twins. "PETER!" Lysander enchanted, going to hug his friend.
"Hey, Lys, Lor!" Peter Thomas greeted, hugging Lorcan next. "How have y'all been? Dad didn't find your family!"
"How didn't he?" Lucy laughed. "We are all over the place."
"This is Lucy." Lorcan presented, pointing to the redheaded little girl. She had gotten all the Weasley's tributes, while Molly got the Rivers' ones. "And this is Dylan. Guys, Peter is my godparents' son."
"Hey, mate." Dylan greeted with a handshake. "My Dad has mentioned you. Dean's your father, right?"
"Yeah." The boy confirmed, sitting next to Lorcan.
"How's uncle Dean?" Lysander wanted to know.
"Adapting to England all over again." Peter started. "He decided that there was no point in us living in the US anymore. You know, with me going to Hogwarts and stuff." The boy had a very strong American accent, which contrasted with the others' British one.
"And is he doing ok?" Lorcan carefully asked. "Mum said..."
"Dad is dad. From what my grandparents say, he was never the same after Mum's death." Peter explained.
"I'm so sorry." Lucy gasped with a hand on her mouth.
"Thanks, but it was a long time ago. I don't remember her." Peter confessed. "She died at childbirth."
"I didn't know that." Dylan quietly said. And he had an impression that no one outside the Scamander's knew about it.
After the war, Luna had kept in touch with Dean and they both became very good friends. The rest of the family only knew of it on her wedding day. Dean's old dorm mates, Harry, Neville, Ron and Seamus, were very surprised, but after Dean went back to the United States, only Luna kept the friendship going again. The family would only see Dean and Sky Thomas again at the Scamander's twins birth when they found out Sky was too pregnant.
The Weasley/Potter/Bennett/Wood/Jordan/Longbottom/Finnigan were too busy with their own lives, kids, personal/family dramas and work to ever wonder about the Thomas again.
Luna and Rolf were devastated after Sky's death. Luna and Rolf left the twins with Mr. Lovegood for a few weeks to go to the funeral where Dean asked them to be Peter's godparents. After it, they spent some time with Dean, to help him with his grief and their own. Luna decided it was best to just not tell the family. They needn't to know.
"Hey, guys." Lily greeted from the compartment door. She had her signature smile on her lips and her red hair covering her shoulders. She was the exact copy of her mother at that age. Her Nana often called her Ginny, instead of Lily. Peter was drum-struck with the girl standing in front of him. "Everyone excited?"
"Hey, Lil." Dylan immediately enchanted. "We are, but have you seen John?"
"Oh, he's over with Carter and Lie, why?"
"I just-not important." Dylan decided.
"Ok, and who is your new friend?"
"Peter Thomas." The boy introduced himself, holding out a hand. "A pleasure."
"Lily Luna Potter." Lily took his hand and shook it.
The boy gasped. "Luna?"
"Mum is her godmother too." Lorcan explained. "Uncle Harry and auntie Ginny have some crazy ideas for naming their children. Ouch-" Lily had slapped his neck.
"Like Lorcan and Lysander are much better." She laughed. "I'll see you later. I was actually looking for Jenny and Hugo. Oh, and Lys? Molly was looking for you." And with that, Lily turned on her heels and left the five first years behind.