"So where exactly are your mates?" I asked as we walked through Las Vegas.
"Um, I'm not really sure."
I looked up at him.
"Seriously? You're not really sure. So what, were gonna walk around Las Vegas searching for them?"
"Oh please don't tell me I married a moron," I said, pressing a couple fingers to the center of my forehead.
"Hey! I'm not a moron!"
"You expected us to wander around London looking for a couple of British guys. So yes! You're a fucking moron! Louis Tomli-" I yelled, before he covered my mouth with his hand.
"SHHHH!!" He hissed.
"What why?"
"B-Because, you'll draw everyone's attention to my-"
"If you call your self attractive, intelligent, or anything else that will blow up your ego, I will punch you in the face."
That shut him up.
"Just don't say my name that loudly in public."
"Why not?" I demanded.
"W-Well...People will start chasing me r11; uh r11; us down."
"Why would they do that?"
"Well what? Spit it out British man!"
"I'm not your average guy."
I raised my fist.
"No! No! Not trying to boost my ego! Just telling you the truth." He stammered
I lowered my hand, and Louis dragged me over to a quiet section on the busy street.
"I'm part of a band, called One Direction, you heard of us?" he whispered.
One Direction a.k.a. Simon Cowel's newest and greatest hit boy band a.k.a The Shit of the season.
I groaned, and rubbed my temple.
"So let me get this straight, you're a part of a British boy band called One Direction, meaning you're a famous celebrity."
He nodded.
"And that's why I can't say your name out on the streets of Las Vegas."
He nodded again.
"And those boys we're searching for are your band mates."
Another nod.
"And you didn't think this was important enough to tell me before hand?!" I hissed, poking him in the chest, and taking a menacing step towards him.
"W-Well, I mean you just found out that we'd eloped, I didn't think you needed to know about-"
"- the fact that I married a fucking celebrity?! You really think I didn't need to know that?!" she shrieked.
"Shut it!" his mouth shut with a snap.
I started pacing in the small cramped space.
Not only do I go and elope with some random guy, I go and elope with some random guy who just happens to be a celebrity. Fuck.
I'm so sorry mom and dad, I never meant for this to happen!
"Look! Hey!" Louis grabbed me by my shoulders to stop the pacing.
"We'll be fine-"
"No we won't! I'm married to a celebrity!"
"We will be fine alright? So stop complaining and whining. We are stuck together, understand? And we're stuck together until we can get all of this sorted out. I'm a celebrity, sorry, but I can't exactly help that. But you can help me by calming down, and helping me find my mates, alright?" he demanded looking straight into my eyes.
Damn, he has some nice eyes-
What the hell am I thinking about? No! No, he has ugly eyes! So ugly!
No! Stop thinking about how blue they are! And how they're your favorite color! That won't help you when you divorce this guy!
"Lillian?" he asked, snapping me from my thoughts.
"Huh?" was my very intellectual answer.
"You alright?"
"Y-Yea, fine." I said avoiding his eyes.
Damn those bright blue orbs.
"They said they'd meet us at the Eiffel Tower place." Louis called as he walked back towards me.
"Isn't that place a bit too public?" I asked warily, I'd seen some of their fans, I was friends with some of their fans, and all of them were fucking insane. And that was when they weren't even seeing them in person. That was when they were gazing at them through a tiny computer screen.
"No, I think we'll be fine."
I groaned. I had a bad feeling about this.
Harry POV
Best part about Las Vegas: the drinks, the parties, and of course, the girls.
Worst part about Las Vegas: the god-awful headache that follows after all that.
"Fuck," I hissed as I sat up in my fluffy bed, I looked to either side of me, to the left of me was a petite blond haired girl, her eye make up was dripping down her cheeks. She was pretty enough to be a model. It wouldn't be surprising if she actually was one. The blanket covered majority of her body, but the tops of her breast were still visible, and I had to fight the urge to give her a wolf whistle at how large they were.
Damn, I did well last night. I mused.
On the other side was a brunette, her hair fell right below her shoulders, and I predicted for her to have green eyes based on her fair complexion. The blanket only covered her mid section, leaving her legs splayed across the bed, and leaving the rest of the body to the imagination.
Of course, there's nothing really to imagine about since I probably felt every part of that body last night, even if I don't remember a single moment of it.
I looked around the room half expecting to see a four other male heads around the room, but no one else was there.
I carefully tried to ease out of the bed without waking either of the girls. When one of them shifted, I stilled my movements, making sure they were actually asleep before continuing to the end of the bed.
Grabbing a robe as I walked towards the exit, making sure to bring my phone with me.
As soon as I started to call one of the boys, my phone went off.
It was Louis.
I grinned as I picked it up. "Mate you'll never guess what happened-"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you probably got two or three models in your bed last night, whatever. I promise you, whatever crazy story you have, mine is crazier."Louis interrupted.