It was as if her body had shocked her into consciousnesses. One moment she had been floating as she had been before and the next she was opening her eyes into a dark room. The first thing she saw was a gold light slowly fading away but she was sure her eyes were playing a trick on her. Then the pain slammed into her. Her back was aching and so was the rest of her body. Her neck was knotted as she assumed she had been set in that position which she had awakened from. She tried to get up but a low growl had her stilling.
A growl?
She moved her head slowly to see a small dog standing over her legs. It had red fur and golden eyes which showed no hate or disturbance. Instead they held... worry? She slowly moved her hands around trying to find an object to protect herself with but found nothing. The bed then moved as the beast on top of her shifted.
Holly pineapples! Where in the hell was she? She had a home. She knew she did but where... then a very important thought hit her. Ash. The name. What was it with the name? She thought into what it might mean but still came up empty handed. She knew it wasn't her name. How did she know? She didn't know herself but she just did. As she once again looked at the small creature in front of her she couldn't help the warmness that spread through her. She knew those small eyes but from where?
The red fur was also a mystery. It resembled her own hair but she couldn't be the mother to an animal. That was just insane. Mother? Wait she was a mother? Right? Thoughts arose in her but none made sense. Was she a mother or not? Too many questions were making her head spin in a wild goose chase for answers which she didn't find.
She slowly sat down when she felt a pang in her chest. It was like an alert had gone off and her body knew exactly how to respond to it. She closed her eyes and felt a small energy ball that she had grown accustomed too. It was white but had a black aura slightly covering it. She focused on the black aura and willed it into her own body. Willing her whiteness to go to the person in need. Then another orb of energy materialized in her mind. She did the same to it as she had to the first one until the black was gone. She was starting to get dizzy when three others appeared to her. Not wanting to stop she then proceeded to continue what she had begun. Slowly the dizziness turned into adrenaline. Her body seemed to get stronger as she continued to help other but she realized that she had to wait in between exchanges, because that was what they were. Exchanges. She would take the black and give the white. Easy. If she tried to do many at the same time she would feel weak. As if the orbs were stealing her force.
Then a red orb popped up with a lot of black surrounding it. She somehow knew that the red one's weren't good so she left those alone until she saw them turn completely black. It was like her mind became a game board. Her ind was a huge platform divided into sections. In some sections some white orbs would appear with red orbs and the same in the other sections. In one particular section there were only two white orbs surrounded by about nine or ten black dots. As more white orbs appeared she was sure to heal the one's with the most black surrounding them first before she helped one without such an intense coloring.
Her mind was on overdrive that she was taken by surprise when the door to the room was knocked open and a man followed by a light brown dog came busting in. The large wolf dog scratched and but at the man but he seemed to be in total control. He blocked every hit and even put in his own causing the poor dog to fall. He grabbed one of its hind legs and snapped it in half like a twig which had the dog whimpering. Since it was close, she didn't have to picture her as an orb instead she just saw the blackness surround the leg and she absorbed. The energy hit her and had her reveling in the new boost she had. As the dogs leg healed before her eyes she felt as the small dog stood in front of her. She somehow knew that she couldn't let it get injured so she picked it up and set it behind her.
A large intense feeling settled on her chest and she grew angry. She saw as the man landed a blow on the dog and it fell to the floor. A slight black line outlined its massive head and she knew it was only a mild headache since it had been rendered unconscious. She was about to heal that right up when the man was then suddenly in front of her.
His lifeless eyes bore into hers and she felt as a hard tremor raked her body. He towered over her which didn't ease the fear she suddenly felt and the fact the small dog wanted to attack had her feeling anything but safe.
"So my bride is an empath?" Bride? So she was married.
"You're my husband?" She found herself asking. But even as she asked she knew that he couldn't be trusted. At least not until she remembered.
"Soon my love. But until then you don't let the dog touch you." And with that he disappeared.
Dog? Bride? What in the world had she gotten herself into? Just as she was about to scream from the frustration she felt as the small dog she had pinned behind her began moving a lot. She turned just in time to see the dog transform from a dog to a small little boy.

The bite of the wolf.
WerewolfIris Reyna never expected to have a one night stand. She also never expected to get pregnant. She never expected for her son to be half beast like his father, Elijah McCain, Alpha of the McCain pack. Or nor did she ever expect to find a mate and...