Chapter 15 - Have I Found You?

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I want to see you
As you are now
Every single day
That I am living,
Be the lightning in me
That strikes relentless.
Just for a minute
The silver forked sky
Lit you up like a star...

~ Nikolas writing journal


"I love you.." Nikola looked at the sky. The sun hid behind the houses as it set. It went from a faded yellow and pink down to deep blue. It was breathtaking, but there was no time to enjoy it.
She remembered now, the secret hidden so deep she had only now realized. Their grandma had told them what will happen when they are separated, and how to get one back.

How to resurrect Scarlett.

Of course, it would take her many months to prepare for it, and tons of hours searching for someone to help her. A warlock would be needed, along with help from another nymph or faerie. They stay well hidden.

Nikolas nymph blood was now flowing, a marking on her back starting to trace itself. It felt amazing to be back. With gritted teeth from the pain of neglecting it for 3 years, she set off to find her.

There was something about her, different. She knew there was something about her at first, but now it was almost a gravitational pull to her location.

She was there, in the attic room. Leaning against the wall, one leg bent and the other stretched out, almost touching the bed due to her long legs. She sat, unintentionally picking and biting her nails. Her cloudy, glazed gaze was directed to a pair of gray converse - slightly wet - propped against the desk. She was closer to the bookshelf; diagonal from the desk. Her image was faded, the color almost being drained slowly. There was only a small outline, just about completely invisible to the human eye. It was only visible to people who wanted to see it.

An inauble squeak was heard as Nikola bent down in from of her. Her eyes grew wide, searching Nikolas face frantically.
"Can you see me?"

The voice sounded like it was wind, wispy. It was ghostly, as if she was standing at the end of a tunnel and speaking to you. It was beautiful, and Nikola found herself stunned.
"I-...I think so."
Her own voice sounded breathless, like she was winded. It definitely felt like she was winded, focusing her own energy to reach her.

"Do I have to explain myself?"
"Yes, yes you do."
"You do too."
"I know.."
She shifted, getting ready to get up until Nikola sat down in front of her.

"You look strained." She giggled.
"If you keep wasting your time, I might pass out from all of the energy I'm focusing on you."
"Okay, okay, I'll go first."

She took a deep breath, and launched into a short explaination.

"I... Am the only one of my kind. I have no idea what I'm called, and I haven't met anyone else close to what I am but Aunt Jaime. She knows the folklore here, and she's a large help on finding out me."
She took a break, looking at the floor.
"Have you noticed that everytime it storms, I fade into a person again?"


Nikola had listened intensely, as her energy faded, making her color fade as well. She fought it off, trying extremely hard. It didn't work very well, and she had time for one last kiss. She then slipped out of her reach, her soft lips faded away as they were left on Nikolas. She almost sobbed as she got up, looking back at a small pile of particles next to the bookshelf. The only thing that left her slightly parted lips was a small sigh. Nikolas marking finally stopped as she left the presence of the pile by the bookshelf, radiating love. Aunt Jaime was sat at the desk in the small office downstairs. She had a sort of concerned face, looking up at the ceiling.
"Aunt.. Jaime?" Nikola said, slightly hesitant from the look on her face. Her neck snapped straight to look at Nikola, the almost frightened face falling.
"Yes, deary?"

"I'm a nymph... I uh-"
She was cut off.
"I know, its pretty easy to guess. Haven't you seen your mark light up when you're with her?"
"Help me resurrect Scarlett?"

She was almost taken aback by her statement, wondering how they could ever find the right people. But they had to try.

"Of course. I'll contact an old...friend... Down the west in Vieira, by the coast."
Her fingers started to fly on the keyboard, pulling up emails, books, and addresses she had saved.
"Mrs.Guillman. She'll be able to help you."
"Thank you.. I'll start searching the next time it rains."
Nikola turned to leave the room, through the archway.

"Stay away from the trains down there, corrupt faeries are everywhere on the coast."

She made a move that looked like the tip of a hat as Nikola made her way to the tip of the stairs, sitting down and hugging her, which is really what she needed right then.


Hey Scarly, did you like that little line from the original?
Yes, this is a rewrite of an idea from v long ago, if you wanted to know.
Will she resurrect poor Scarlett?
Will they solve the conflict of not being able to see her?
The last chapter will come soon, probably by the end of the week (hoepfully)
Yes, I meant that.

~the weirdo writing this story

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