A/N: I'll be using Y/N:)
Today was my first year of senior year in Red Wood High ( just made the name up). So why not dress nice.so I decided to wear a some damaged high wasted jeans , a purple mustle tee with a kinda ombre effect , my purple converse and some black accessories and a floral backpack. I did my make up as natural as possible then headed downstairs for breakfast. After I ate I decided to brush my teeth again then I headed to school.
______I wasn't late for school so I just sat in class until the bell rings. The bell rang and kids just started flowing in like water but I noticed my long time friends from sophomore year they sat around me and we said our hellos. My friends were sammy, jack and jack,brent (rivera),mahogany, jacob, dillon and nate. We sat there passing notes and I wrote 'long time no see guys'. They passed it around and back to me. It said 'WE MISSED YOU
At lunch
We decided that we will meet up at an empty table so we did. As I was walking to them I couldn't help but notice this boy dressed in black with his head down and he was sitting on a table by himself. He lifted his head and said "what you looking at" he was pretty hot but what a jerk. I just looked forward and headed to my friends."who was that" I asked . "It's the 'bad boy' of the school." Johnson said with air quotes. "Oh" I said back. "So , Y/N how was your summer." Sammy asked me. "Well you guys were on tour so it was wasn't that interesting. But I got to know my family better. But the best thing was that we went to Hawaii for a week it was the best" They all stopped eating and looked up at me. " you went where?!?" They said in unison. " you said it wasn't interesting Y/N" Jacob said. "Well..." i trailed of . "Ok whatever how was tour" i asked back. "It was amazing" dillon said. "But we wish you were there" sammy said which made me blush slightly. I think I'm falling for sammy. We've been friends for very long . All of us. But I'm kinda falling for sammy. I was pushed out of my thoughts when the bell rang for 7th period. Before we left for class sammy told us to meet at his house after school so we can play basketball.
At sammy's house
Mahogany lived next door to me so we walked there together. "Hey guys me an Y/N are going to sit this one of" Mahogany told the guys. We went inside and just watch some chick flicks and eat junk food. I went to the kitchen to get more food when I felt a pair of hands on my waist , lifting me up and running. It was sammy. "Hey, put me down! Mahogany, help me" I shouted but she only said "I can't!Jacob's got me" I then saw the pool coming in sight. When I realised what he was going to do I screamed "Samuel Wilkinson , put me down" "no can do babe. It's a dare" he Said. My cheeks flushed at the word 'babe'. Did he just call me ba-. I was interrupted by sammy jumping in the pool with me on his shoulder. "Sammy I told you not to do this." I said with a pouty face. "I'm sorry, its a dare " he said hugging me . He lifted me up bridal style and carried me out of the pool. He ran inside and came back with a towel. Omg I'm falling hard for him . Ugh. "Here I'm sorry" hugging me again.
Few weeks later
Home coming was coming up and sammy grew really close to the most wonderful girl in school. Meghan Barnes. She had a great personality and she was pretty but even I liked her. When sammy made the last shot for our basketball team he didn't even look at me and Meghan came running out of the crowd and hugging him.
I was walking through the hall when I saw sammy coming towards. It was weird cause Meghan wasn't there. He said to me "sorry I couldnt hang out with you so meet me at that Chinese place later." "But you don't like Chinese food" I said confused. "So. But you like it so meet me there at 7." I was happy to so I said yes.
At the restaurant
I got there at 7. And no sign of sammy. 30minutes later no sammy. Then I see this hot waiter he was about my age. Wait... he's that boy that was at the table . "Can I get you anything" he asked . "Hey your that boy at the table . Remember me." I asked in a not so polite voice. "Yeah you sit with Wilkinson right?" He asked back . "Yeah" "uh sorry about the other day." He apologized. " it's okay. Wanna sit down. " I asked at my own risk. "Sure." "Soo why do you axt like that at school." I asked ." Cause I want to" he said. "Ookay. So whats your name" "Cameron . Cameron Dallas. You?" "Im Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." "Oh, so you like Wilkinson." "Oh no i do not like sammy wilki- is that obvious." "Uh yeah. Look if you like him just tell him and maybe ask him to home coming." "Ok. Thanks. I should get going. See you at school." "Bye"
After that I went home and went to bed. The next morning I saw sammy at Mahogany's house so I approached him. I gave him a fortune cookie to see if he'll remember. He broke it and it said 'you'll live a good life'. After he read it he said "oh god . I'm so sorry." "It's okay. Anyways I have some home coming news" I said . I was going to ask him this is it. "Great I do too. Meghan Barnes asked me to home coming." "Oh. That's great." I said disappointed and I forced a smile . Then Jacob asked me if we wanted a ride to school and we accepted. Jacob and Mahogany sat infront and me and sammy sat at the back. "Oh I almost forgot whats your news." "Oh" Think, think "I'm going to home coming with Cameron Dallas." "What?! The 'bad boy'." He asked eyes wide open. "Yep. He asked me." "Okayyy." Oh God what have I done.
At school
Sammy never sat with us anymore so I went and sit by Cameron."so what happened last night gives you the right to sit here" "Hey to you too. I kinda told sammy that you asked me to home coming." "Oh. So we're going to make him jealous."
"Yeahh.." "I like it. But I'm not wearing a tux" Then Mahogany came and sit by me. "What are you doing" cameron asked. " uhh... it's called sitting. " she sassed. Then one after the other my friends came. "So this is the bad table" brent said. "We just laughed. And cameron got up and left. "So now that his gone is this still the bad table" brent asked . Again we just laughed. I saw meghan and sammy walking by holding hands so I went and sit next to cameron and hold his hand. "Ha cameron . Your such a cutie." He just smiled at me in a sarcastic way . He lightly squeezed my hand . "Don't call me cutie ever again" Then he walked off.Sammy's POV
Meghan came over to my house today to do a project but my parents weren't there . We were doing the project when her phone rang. "Hello?" She said. "I'm at sammy's house maybe another day. Fine." "Uhm sammy I'm the head of the home coming committee and they asked if they can come over." ......To be continued.....