Meeting Draco and Viktor Krum

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"Well I don't care what Harry says! You are going to get in that room and see if there is anything suspicious going on since I wasn't invited!" He hisses to these two boys standing at each side of him. I stood still and pulled my short dress down slightly so it wasnt too high and turns slightly, looking at him. I keep quiet and he looks at me "B-Both of you go! Now you have work to do!" He orders them and they both rush off heading toward the room with the others in. I sigh and move my side bang slightly, starting to walk forward down the hall. He runs up to me and grabs mt arm "Hey who are you" He looks down at me and I look up at him "I'm (y/n), Now will you please let me go?" He laughed slightly. Both of you didnt know each other. You didn't know the name of your parents killer and Draco had no clue who you were. "I think I will keep you." He smirks and I stand still trying to pull my arm away "If you don't let me go I will get Harry and Hermione. And my sister!" You yelled and luckly Hermione was trying to find you at that moment and saw him "Expelliarmus!" Se yelled and sent Draco flying back, causing him to let go of you "Come on, Stay away from Draco he's no good. I will take you to our room because Its time for everyone to get to bed." She said and walked me to our room.

"thank you....For getting him off me." I said smiling slightly as I slipped into my silk nightgown. "Its alright. I will always be there for you...And I'm sure Harry will too" She said smirking a bit but laughing. "Shut it. Its time we got some sleep" I said smiling and got into bed. "Alright. Good night (y/n)." She said laying down and closing her eyes "Good night Hermione." I said soon falling asleep.

The next morning

I got up earlier than everyone else so I decided to get dressed into my shirt, skirt and my robe and went for a walk around. I sighed quietly to myself as I walked on the bridge. The cold morning breeze hit my face. I heard a voice behind me "My, Who might you be?" I looked around to see a strong, Well built man. "I-I..." I stuttered looking at him "Now theres no need to be shy. I'm Viktor Krum" He smiled looking down at me "...I-I'm (y/n)." I smiled. "Its a very beautiful name you have there (y/n). But then again a beautiful name fits perfectly for a beautiful lady." I blushed slightly bit giggled a bit. He held out his hand and I took it. He led me back in the school. "So, Where were you going (y/n)?" He asked walking passed Harry and Draco that were hiding. "I was just going for a walk. Why are you up so early? I thought I was alone." I said looking up at him keeping hold of his hand as we walked into the dining hall. "Ah, Well our school always wakes up early. Anyway would you like to sit with me while we wait for evenyone to wake up?" He asked me and I nodded slightly "Sure. I was just going to walk about the school a bit more but I wouldnt mind staying. He smiled and I sat down in my normal seat that Hermione said to sit in. On the Gryffindor table next to where Harry sat. Viktor sat next to me and We waited until I saw Harry and Draco walk in. Along with other students behind. I pulled my hand away so Viktor wasnt holding it and I watched some of the students come in. "Good morning Harry." I said and smiled, He sat next to me and did his charming smile again "Good morning (y/n). How did you sleep?" I nodded and hugged him tightly, blushing slightly and quickly let go realising what I just did. He laughed a bit at me. "I-I slept fine...But anyway, When does everyone wake up?" I said sitting facing him. Victor was getting a bit jealous and turned me around so I was looking at him "They should be waking up now" He said just when Harry was about to speak. I nodded slightly and looked forward to see Draco staring at me. I smiled slightly at him and he got up walking over. "Well I'm glad because I am quiet hungry." I said as Draco walked behind me where I was sat. "Oh, Well breakfast should be ready in just a few more minutes" He smirked. I didnt know who to look at, There was Harry Potter to my left, Viktor to my right and Draco behind me so I couldnt get up and leave. "That good then" I said resting my hands on my lap looking down. Harry then spoke up "Hermione and Ron are here now (y/n)." I looked at him smiling and over at Hermione. "Well arn't you two a pair of sleepers." I laughed and stood up from the bench not being able to get out. Draco smiled looking at the back of me. "Now that we are both up, I think that the Slytherin and Viktor should leave (y/n) alone." Hermione said and looked at them both. "I'm not leaving, Its not fair that stupid Potter gets to saty with her and I don't. Plus I dont know what he might do to her." He said standing still behind me as I sat back down "I think I will be fine Draco. I can manage myself. I want you and Viktor to go back to where you should be." I said and them both walked off and I sighed.

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