"How far now kid" that's the question I always asked Henry every 10 minutes we had been driving for hours and all he was doing was eating hard toffees which had been in the sides of my car.
"Not long" "just a few minuets " I remember when I stopped for gas I asked Henry if he wanted anything he said "no thank you" but the look on his face had given me a hint of sarcasm so I went into the shop and I bought some crisps,cola and a sandwich for the journey that we had left, but then I walked Into the car and saw Henry reading a book "whats that you got there" "a book" I raised my eyebrow and asked him again but more seriously "it's a book about fairytales, you won't believe me but your in it you know .." He looked at me in a way that made me speechless. "Right and who am i Snow White" i laughed " no snow whites your mom" I gazed at him and I think he got the message when I gave him a look off annoyance.
"Were here" said Henry
I didn't believe him to be honest but there was a big sign saying welcome to storybrook. I looked to Henry and asked him were he lived he replied with "just around the corner that massive house on the left" well you could tell what he meant by massive. We got out the car and Henry grabbed his bag unaware of leaving his book in my car, I walked up the path way and knocked on the door .
Then a tall lady with dark hair and red lips approached me and said "who are you " I apologised and told her that Henry and ran to find me but she said in an even meaner tone "WHO ARE YOU" I replied with "hello my names Emma Swan and you are ?" "Hello Emma swan my names Regina and I'm sorry but my son is in his room and even if he wasn't why would he want to find YOU?" She didn't seem very nice but I told her the truth.."I'm his birth mother" her face looked at mine as she slapped me across the face.
"What was that for" I asked in a angry tone "you know what I'm sorry YOUR son ran to ME. But I now see why he calls you the evil queen because it's all about you no wonder he ran away I said to Henry that you were probably a nice mother but guess what you didn't even know he was gone that's not good Regina that's bad responsibility " Regina slapped me again and my nose began to bleed "mom" said Henry. the most awkward part of this is that when he said that I replied "yes" and so did Regina. I ran off and started to drive around to find a hotel I mean it was to late to drive back to New York so , this is when I came across grannies. I walked in and I remember people staring at me my nose dripping with blood and a cut lip.i sat down and a Tall dark man came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder and said "sorry love your sat in my seat" I turned around and suddenly started to get tingles in my stomach "I'm sorry I didn't mean to.."
My sentence was interrupted " no no I'm terribly sorry, you look like rubbish if you don't mind me saying its just your bleeding and ..well my names killian killian Jones" " thanks and urmm Emma"I said nervously "emma swan " "well Emma welcome to storybrook"