Chapter Six

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Tris POV *2 Years Later*

I wake up to the sound of yelling and laughter, after initiation I moved in with Tobias, Zeke and Shauna. I get up and open my door to be met with a bucket of cold water being splashed in my face. I swipe my hair out of my eyes and open them. I see a half naked Zeke sliding down the railing of the the stairs with an empty bucket and Shauna standing on the coffee table laughing and Tobias calmly sipping coffee in the kitchen watching the whole thing play out with a smile on his face. I quietly and unnoticed walk down the stairs and over to Tobias. I look at him and all he says is

"Peace Serum" I nod

"Not very peaceful" I say taking his coffee


"What?" I ask him with a smirk on my face

"That's mine!"

"Not until you give me a kiss" I say sipping the coffee

"Fine I'll just make another cup" he says I cover my heart in mock hurt

"Oh, I've been wounded!" I say putting the coffee down and falling on the floor, Tobias laughs and Zeke must have heard me cause he comes running over

"What did you do?!" he yells "We need to take her to the infirmary, Trissypoo, what's hurt baby sister?"

"Your giving me a head ache" I say getting up Zeke looks at me

"But I didn't do anything" he says

"Go ask mommy what helps peace serum for me" i say in my small child voice

"Only if you say the magic words"

"Dauntless Cake"

"Yes Ma'am" he says pulling Shauna out the door to my mothers house still only in his boxers.

"That worked now where were we?" I say turning back to Tobias

"I was going to make another cup of coffee because you stole mine" he says

"Not that you idiot" he smiles and picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist and his hands support my small body, I wrap my arms around his neck

"Your so beautiful" he says staring into my eyes before he kisses me. We must have been kissing for a while because Zeke comes back fully dressed with Uriah and Shauna at his sides

"Ahhhhh!! My eyes they burn! They burn!!" Uriah and Zeke scream rubbing their eyes. Shauna goes up to her room and leave the boys to 'writhe in pain' on the floor

"Why are we up so early anyway?" I ask Tobias

"Initiation" he says a smile comes across my face as I pull Tobias up the stairs to my room

"What should I wear?" I ask him

"Something not attractive I don't want any one looking at my Trissy" he says wrapping my in a hug he rests his chin on my head. I smile and turn around and bury my head into his chest his smell engulfs me and makes me feel safe I bury my head deeper into his shirt

"Are you smelling me" he asks amusement lacing his tone I nod and he laughs "Tris you need to get dressed sweetheart were going to be late and you know how much Max hates that" he says pulling my head away from his chest I look up at him and he smiles I smile back and walk over to my closet

"Hold this,this,this and this" I say throwing my black athletic pants dark red t shirt my black lacy bra and under wear at him I turn around and take it from him I walk into the bathroom and change but decide don't want to wear these pants or this shirt and walk back out into my bed room in just my undergarments. Tobias looks up at me and when he does his eyes widen and his jaw drops I walk over to my dresser and lean down to grab my black skinny jeans I stand up and walk over to my closet and grab my dark red and black long sleeve shirt. I get dressed right in front of Tobias and have him put my hair up in a braid.

"You ready?" I ask him he nods and we leave for the net hand in hand, but he brings me to our spot near The Chasm

"Hey Tris?"


"Should we keep our relationship a secret?" Tobias asks me

"I don't know why?" I ask him surprised at his question

"I don't know i just don't want them to know that were going to get married"

"What?!" I say were not engaged. Tobias gets down on one knee and holds out a box with a ring in it

"Beatrice Pedred I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you two years ago, I know were young I just want to make sure you get to be mine for the rest of eternity, Tris will you do me the honor of being my wife?" he says tears brim my eyes

"Tobias I--"

End of Chapter Five! Hope you liked it I left you at a major Chasm hanger! Hope you liked my short chapter! Luv you all!

-Maren Sage <3

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