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As I walk in I hear whispers all over. Three girls walk up to me, "YES! Friends!" I think. "Wooow, what a looser" A girl, with brown eyes, and short black hair, says. "Like yeaa, she SO needs a nose job!" says the other with dirty blond long hair. "Lets go we shouldn't be talking to lamo's like her" said the last girl, who was tall, with brown hair. 

A boy started to head near me, I looked down, hoping he wasn't going to talk to me.  Then I heard a soft "Hi, my names Reed. You look new. What your name?" "Oh um Hi. Uh-um my name?" I said, sounding stupid ~No the donkey over there~ I thought to myself. He giggled, in probably the cutest way possible, "yeah you!" he said in a chidish way. I laughed "I'm Bella, and yea I'm new here" "Well whatcha have for your first class?" He said "Ummm Mr.Kinji's math class, uhhh math" I say aloud "Same here! Then maybe after math we can chill at lunch" He said. "Oh yea su-" I got cut off by the loud bell. He grabbed my wrist and ran down the school hall, basicly dragging me behind. We got in class, "Mr.Kinji we have a new student..." He said in a blank voice. "Well hello there," A tall black man with glasses spoke. "Uh hi?" I said more in a questioned way. "You can have a seat with Reed, he'll show you around school for the next few days" Mr.Kinji said. " As I walked to the back of the class, everyone was staring at me. Maybe I had food in my teeth! 

Math class went on, and we all got paired with somebody for a project, I knew for sure I would get my only friend, Reed. I heard my name "Bella Consell, your with Ting Chow" Mr.Kinji said very loud. The whole class started laughing as a nerdy asian boy, walked my way. He wore suspenders, glasses, and high waisted pants. "Oh great" I mumbled. We worked for awhile, he w,asn't all that bad. *DINGGGGDIIINNNGGGGG* The bell rang for lunch, Reed rushed over to me "ya ready girlie?"  He joked. "Yup!" I screamed a tad to loud! We headed for the lunch room, as all the cheerleaders were walking in, they were heading towrds Brandon! "NOO" I screamed, I thought was going to come out as a whisper. Everyone, got quite and looked my way. My cheeks turned firetruck red. Reed laughed, and everyone starting to laugh along with him. I didn't stress over it I just continued to giggle along with them. 

I went through the lunch line, hoping for a hamburger or something. As I got closer to the chubby lunch ladies, wearing hairnets. They put green gooey slop on my plate, and made me pay $4.50 to include a rotten chocolate milk. I picked at my food, for the whole lunch time it was even worse for me because I was already a very picky eater. The bell bang and my stumach grumbled. Oh well I'll just get McDonalds after school, i mumbled to myself. 

           4 hours later 4:30pm

School is over finally! I checked in my backpack only to see that my $50 bill was gone. Oh great I mumbled. Now I'll surely get beaten tonight.


             Authors note: 

I will finish the next chapter when I get home from the doctor! Mwah! My Bellanators! :D Hope you all enjoy this so far!


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