I hope you guys enjoy this one. I tried to write it really quickly to get it up while it was still Percy's birthday and I did! (at least in my time zone lol). Sorry if it's not the best one and it's not like my usual Percy fics. I hope you guys had a great day and celebrated Percy's birthday!
Percy POV:
"Annabeth where are we going?" I asked again, trying to turn to face her even though she had put a piece of cloth over my eyes as a blindfold. "Calm down Percy. It's not like we're gonna go far." She responded a little impatiently as she tugged on my hand to lead me further ahead. We were at camp, so she was right. There was only so far that we could go without going into the woods or where lessons were being held. I smelled the salt water a minute later of walking through what I assumed was a path behind the cabins to the beach. "Annabeth?" I asked looking around again. "Yes Percy?" She said sighing slightly. "Why are we at the beach?" She laughed slightly. "You'll see." She said and squeezed my hand a little and I grinned. After walking for a couple more minutes we stopped and she turned me around and took off my blindfold. "Don't turn around." Annabeth said and walked around to face me. Taking an opportunity before she started talking I leaned in and pecked her on the lips, making her smile. "Okay so what are we doing here?" I asked tilting my head slightly at her. "So I know this is kind of a sad day for all of us. I mean a ton of our friends died and everything." She ran her hand up and down the scar where she had been stabbed with the poison knife the day before in the war. I grabbed her hand from her arm and laced it with mine. "It's still one of my favorite days, Beth." She smiled at me. "I'm glad that with all the things that happen today you still remembered our anniversary, Seaweed Brain." She said laughing. "Shh. I would never forget our anniversary. Even with all the seaweed in the world in my brain." She smiled and kissed me. "I love you." I pulled her into my chest and smiled down at her. "I love you too. But can you please tell me why we are here?" I asked looking as desperate as I could. "Turn around." She said and I did. Nothing happened. I just could see a little bit of the beach in the clearing. Annabeth looked at her watch and then glanced at my face then the small clearing. After a couple seconds everyone in the camp and more popped up in the clearing. "Surprise!" They cheered and Annabeth grinned. She grabbed my hand and we started walking to our friends. "Did you plan all this?" I asked her quietly. "I had a little bit of help-" "Thank you Annabeth, really." We greeted everyone as we made our way to the beach, which was decorated with volleyball nets with blue lights and towels on the sand and tables with food. The water was calm, thanks to my dad. There was music playing from speakers on the table. "Percy." Annabeth said, bringing me back. I looked up and saw my mom and Paul standing in front of me. "I let them in. Don't worry about it." Annabeth said as she saw the slight flicker of worry cross my face. I hugged my mom tightly and clapped Paul on the back. "Hey Seaweed Brain." I heard from behind me and Annabeth smiled and turned and ran. I turned to see Annabeth hugging my cousin. "Hey pinecone face." I said approaching her. "It's really nice to see you Thalia. I'm glad you're not dead." I said being serious. "Me too Perce, me too." She said and hugged me. I saw Nico talking to Will away from everyone else. "Let's go say hi to Nico." I said to Thalia and Annabeth. "I already talked to death breath. He's good." Thalia said looking up for a second then continuing her conversation with Annabeth. I raised my hands up in defeat. "Okay. I'll be right back." I said walking away from the two. "Hey Nico." I said when I reached the two. "Will." I said nodding my head. I had seen a lot more of Nico since he had been staying at Camp Half Blood. "Thanks for coming." "Of course I came, idiot. I am your cousin." I laughed. "Seriously though. It's been nice seeing you all year." I said and he smiled slightly. "Nico are you okay? I think that is the happiest I've ever seen you!" I said and he kind of laughed and Will smiled. We continued a short conversation on small talk for a couple minutes. I saw Annabeth wave to me out of the corner of my eye. "I'll talk to you later Nico." I said and held up a hand in a goodbye. I walked back over to Annabeth. "So some more friends are here." She said and gestured behind her where Frank, Jason and Piper (who had gone to Camp Jupiter for a few days), Hazel, Reyna, and a few of my other friends from Camp Jupiter stood. "Hey!" I said and walked over and gave Hazel a tight hug first and then hugged Piper and gave Frank and my other friends high fives. "Hey dude." I said to Jason. "Hey dude." He said back. "Give me hug, dude." He said and I did while Annabeth stood to the side with Piper laughing at their boyfriend's antics. After a little while people started getting in the water. "Annabeth will you please go in the water with me?" I pleaded after seeing several people run by us and jump into the water. "No." She said and sat down on the towel and dragged me down next to her. "I'll sit with you on the beach but I don't want to get into the water." She said defiantly. "C'mon. Please. I'll keep you dry." I said and she tilted her head considering it. Clearly I was too busy arguing with Annabeth that I didn't notice the crowd of demigods surrounding us. "Not again." Annabeth said burying her head in her hands. "Yes again, Wise Girl." A voice that I recognized as Clarisse said. "To the water!" She called and we were once again lifted onto a group of demigods' shoulders into water. This time they had to actually carry us out kind of far so we wouldn't hit our heads on the ground, but it's not like it mattered. We were in my domain. "Happy two years of Percabeth!" Clarisse called and we were dumped in the water once again, and didn't come up for several minutes. When we came back to the shore, the sun was setting and the Stoll brothers were setting up a bonfire along with some of the Hephaestus kids. Annabeth and I went over to my parents and talked to them for a bit before they went home. They said that we would celebrate when I got home. At the bonfire the Stoll's had started passing out marshmallows to roast over the fire. When it was fully dark the Hephaestus kids set off fire works, all of them being blue. They read short messages and were normal fireworks at first. Annabeth and I sat down on the beach to enjoy them while eating our s'mores. After a while they projected the faces of the people who had died in the war and Annabeth buried her face in my chest. "It's okay Beth." A lot of the campers here didn't know who the faces in the sky were but they had heard stories. Everyone was remorseful as the faces were in the sky and when they ended people started trailing away from the beach, stopping by us to wish me happy birthday and to thank Annabeth. After a few minutes, it was just us left. "Thank you Annabeth." I said. "Percy, it's really not that big of a deal." She said looking down slightly. "Still." I said. "I know I already gave you your gift but I made you something." She said and stood up and took my hand. "Its at the mess hall." I followed her away from the beach, not letting go of her hand. When we got to the mess hall there was 3 people standing by a table talking. Well, they weren't really people, I guess. As soon as I realized who it was I ran to the mess hall telling Annabeth to race me. I got to the mess hall with Annabeth trailing behind me. Grover, Tyson, and Chiron were all there, seemingly waiting for us. I gave Grover and Tyson hugs while Annabeth talked to Chiron. They had to get back to wherever before the harpies came out so they wished us goodbye shortly, but Annabeth and I stayed back a minute. There was one thing on the Poseidon table. "Is that it?" I asked pointing to the thing on the table and she nodded. I sat down where I normally sat and she sat across from me. "It's a cupcake. I had to. Out of tradition." "It looks like a blue brick... Again." I said laughing. "I know Tyson helped me... Again." She laughed. And we ate the cupcake quickly before the harpies arrived to feed on us. I grabbed her hand and led her to my cabin. "Thank you for the best birthday ever." I said and kissed her outside of my cabin before we slipped through the door of the cabin.