"Whatever you're doing, stop. Think about all the people you love in your life, and the ones you don't. Make amends. Say kind things. I love you. I'm proud of you. You matter too me. You may never get to say these things again." - a really poetic person I don't know.
This is probably a really big tease, with no new chapters for about a week. I've been really busy with school registration, bassoon lessons, and all that jazz, but it should be up in a day or two. I have it all planned out, and am about 1/3s done with actual writing, and I'll have a lot of time coming up soon. As for why I'm doing this here, it's that I don't have any other books to use really, so this will have to do.
I was nominated by Jessgrono (and maybe blue___22) to do this challenge. From the little I know, you say something kind about your friends, and it was started by Greninion. Honestly, it sounds amazing, and I have a lot to be thankful for. A lot of the media seems to focus on tragedy. The most heart-breaking things are said on the news first, comedy and theatre has its roots in embarrassment and tragedy, and, the way I'm using it, most "popular" people on the Internet have some problem with their lives. I am not one of those people. I'm no Mary Sue or anything, but I have a roof over my head and loving friends and family. I go to school. I have clean water and good food. I have Wifi and Internet. I really am lucky, so I guess this is wake-up call to start dishing out the praise and being more thankful than most people are on any other day (except Thanksgiving).
Now, I can't list every important person in my life (unfortunately) because this chapter would be over a million pages long and about 95% of these people don't have Wattpad. So, I'm gonna list, in detail, the Wattpad people who have helped the most. Keep in mind, this is the first Internet site I've made an account on. I'm new to this whole "commenting" and "writing" thing (about two months new, to be exact), and I was scared to post anything at all. But the people on this site have been so friendly and kind. They have made my transition from noob to (kinda) writer nearly seamless. I want to thank everybody, as well as the site in general, but once again, time limits. So let me rattle off my close friends here......
@jessgrono (sorry linking's not working :P ) Yes, you nominated me, so now it's my turn. You have always been a role model to me. Your books are amazing and so well written, I feel bad I haven't been able to catch up on the latest chapters. You have always supported my books, and I really appreciate everything you have written. (And, you introduced me to the challenge.....)
blue___22 I feel like, through PMs, begging for tips (from me) and doing social experiments (from you), that we gave crafted a great friendship. You have supported my books, and have always been a open voice, ready to listen to me spout nonsense just as you spout important information. You have been so supportive of my books, and I can't thank you enough. Also, yes your book is still in my Top 5 Pokémon Fanfiction spot.
AvaTheFangurl / AvaTheMeowth . I think you are the only person to truly get how I feel about everything Meowth. Whether writing Pokémon fan fiction (which I though was really good) or hosting Gravity Falls role-playing (are we still doing that?) you have been so much fun to comment and overall party with. Change your screen name all you want, but don't forget how cool you are.
JessTheWolf This one's for probably the first person on the list to comment on what I've said. You have always been my Flaire buddy (with Ava of course!) and comment friend, and you're so much fun to comment with. Your writing has so much potential, and I really hope you keep writing. (By the way, have you read my story? *silently pressures you to read The Lavender Leauge*).
xman37 Yes, good sir, you make the cut as well. A lot of the people here are first-timers for me on Wattpad, and you are no exception. Your criticism made my day, and your story is really good (with only minor editing for grammar and stuff needed.) Your writing and gentleman-like behavior has earned you a spot on this list.
......I think that about wraps it all up. I tried my best, but I'm sure I was silly and forgot people :P. Thank you all once more for helping me get my footing here, and I hope to see you at the top of this (figurative) mountain. I'll see when I update either Lavender League or my secret project I was hinting at in Chapter 5. Whichever comes first (probably Lavender League)
And, FYI, everyone I mentioned here who hasn't done the challenge, according to what I know, must do the challenge themselves. Because potatoes. (5,000,000 points and a cookies to whoever gets the reference)
Ta ta for now, and thanks for reading (everything)!
Randomness Book Guaranteed to Get at Least 1K Views
RandomGUYS! I FIGURED OUT THE SECRET TO GETTING READS! Randomness book = at least 1K views. 1K views = votes, reads, and subscribers. Subscribers = reads on your other books. IT'S F****** GENIUS I TELL YOU! And yes, this used to be a Extras book. Things c...