I've recently been getting comments about Caleb being conceited and full of her self. I've also been getting comments about parts being unrealistic.
Well here you go bitches! This is complete reality of how I think and feel. I try my best to make Caleb the opposite of me.
Hope y'all enjoy a realistic ending.Caleb's POV
My alarm clock woke me up and 4am. I groaned and sat up shaking Sam. "Get up your plane takes off in 2 hours" I mumbled.
He groaned. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes when everything sunk in.
"Get your suit case" I croaked and wiped my eyes. He sighed and grabbed his bag and followed me downstairs.
"It's four in the morning I'm not changing" I heard Jodie yelled as she came downstairs.
"You realize we are still breaking up right." I said pourin orange juice into a glass.
Sam took a seat in front of me and sighed. "Yeah I know"
We left shortly after. I felt tears falling down my face the whole time.
"Are you sure your going to be okay in the house alone?" Sam asked for the 5 time.
"It's only for two days, we have to go to the school later today for something's we are meeting up with Andrea and Jen tomorrow. We'll be fine." I said once again.
"Last call for flight 638 to Omaha, Nebraska." The false perky lady said over the speaker. I hugged Sam tightly then let go and watched him walk towards the plane without hesitation.
Jodie and I cried during the drive home and we both went to bed for a couple hours.
I woke up later at 10. I stretched and felt around for Sam. Then sighed when I couldn't find him.
I walked over to my closet and found a pair of old skinny jeans. I tried to slip them on but they wouldn't go past my thighs. I bit my lip and peeled them off. I walked into my bathroom and stepped on my scale.
190... I had gained 20 pounds.
It's fine.... It's only 20 pounds it won't show. I tried convincing my self. But it didn't work. No matter how many variations of the sentence I said it never stuck in my mind.
I went back Into my room and found a pair of skinnys that were a couple sizes bigger. I just barley fit into them. My eyes filled with tears and I blinked rapidly. I slipped on a random graphic tee and some vans.
I went downstairs still feeling horrible about my body. Jodie must have noticed.
"What's wrong?" She said popping a grape in her mouth.
"I gained 20 pounds and I can't fit into some of my jeans." I said taking an apple then putting it back.
She frowned. "That's no big deal just buy bigger jeans." She said.
I shrugged.
We decided to go out for breakfast before we had to go meet with the director at school.
We sat across from each other in a small dinner. We bother ordered and talked. Ever now and then a girl would walk by us. And ever time I could help but think:
I bet she's only 160
She's probably 175
And she's defiantly only 150I couldn't get this small situation out of my head. But what was I going to do? Working out never worked for me. Am I supposed to starve myself?
Just those thoughts alone made me lose my appetite. I only took a could of bites of my pancakes and then asked for a 'to go' container for the rest.
As we pulled into the college I became nervous.
I sat in the high quality office chair beside Jodie.
"So Miss Clark (Jodie) what three courses will you be taking this coming Monday." The director or principle asked in a very posh tone.
"Well I'd love to do singing, dancing and acting." She said sounding very formal whilst resting her hands on her lap.
"Perfect. I only ask because you didn't clarify on your application." He turned to me.
"And Miss Brown I understand you sighed up for sing, modelling and acting." He said raising his eyebrows.
"Yes sir but I'm not sure if I want modelling anymore." I said looking down at the floor.
"And why is that?"
"She is just feeling bad about her recent weight gain." Jodie answered for me.
"I can guarantee Miss Brown your weight doesn't matter." He said softly.
I looked up and smiled at him. "Then okay, I'll do singing, modelling and acting."
"You are both aware that we already had a record label that want to signyou both right?" He said tapping his pen on his desk.
Our eyes widened. "Our school is connected to many record label, we sent your videos out to several. The first we got response from was Hi or Hey records." He said handing us sheets of paper.
I looked at Jodie "That's the record label that signed 5SOS" I almost yelled.
"They are coming but this Friday to hear you sing. They want to see you preform in front of a small crowd. I suggest you pick a song now and start rehearsing." He smiled warmly.
We got up from our seats and shook his hand. "I'm looking forward to seeing you girls on Monday."
We exited the building.
3 days later.
"Your words don't mean a thing I'm not listening, keep talking all I know is, my momma told my life she said spread your wings my little butterfly,don't let what they say keep you up and thy can detain you cause wings areas to fly." We sang together in the studio going various dance moves. We used water bottles as microphones.
We both decided on 'Wings' by little mix. I was singing the parts of Perrie and Jade.
It was coming along nicely. I had improv in 15 minutes and modelling in after that.
Jodie had dance next them improv.
We ran threw the song once more and stopped the music, quickly wiping our faces and changing.
This school was amazing.
Not yet edited or even looked over.Guys I wrote another chapter because this is the only thing keeping me from having a breakdown. I think I'm developing anxiety but what ever.
Thanks for all the support and love.
You guys are the best.
(P.S. It's 1:30am.... Good night.)

Jerk S.W
FanfictionA book about a girl, who often falls off of her bed, and a boy who often falls for the girl. |highest ranking | | Fanfiction #80 | | Sammywilkinson #8 | | Samwilk #4 | | Sam #35 |