Two days, it has been two days.
Two days since we fought.
Two days since everything blew up.
Two days since we kissed.
And do you know what has happened in those last two days? You're probably wondering what the update is between us.
Well my answer is, I have absolutely no idea.
I'm not kidding either, I really don't know. I've hardly spoken to the guy. Chanyeol has done nothing but avoid me ever since, which must be difficult for him since he has limited options as to where to go.
While I've been doing nothing all day, he has been doing God knows what. When I wake up in the morning he is already long gone. And I've looked everywhere for him! The entire building, by the pool, SM, even Exo's dorm. But nothing.
The occasional few times I do see him he will either walk away or is fast asleep.
And now I don't know what to do.
I will tell you one thing though. I've thought about it and, maybe you were right.
I think I like him. Like a lot.
But I can't do anything about it, because as far as I know he is on a vacation in Timbuktu!
I just wish he would let me talk to him...
So what am I doing now? I'm in the living room, watching tv and eating a bag of chips. HonJae unnie is going to kill me for being such a lazy slob during all of this once I return, you know if I ever do that is. But I have to admit, being lazy is soooo great. I've been binge watching Orange is the New Black the last few days and I'm on the last episode already. Judge me all you want, but I think that is an achievement.
I grab another hand full of chips, there has gotta be something I can do. Then I hear my phone vibrate, I roll my eyes. I wonder who it is this time.
I put the chips down and pick up my phone. It's Wendy. I ignore the call and pick up the chips again. Thats another thing, since Chanyeol stormed off everyone has been trying to contact me for some reason. But I refuse to answer them, and I mean any of them. I've ignored my manager, Wendy, Baekhyun, Joy, Taemin, my parents, Exo's managers, Suho and even Kim Young-min (which probably wasn't the smartest idea). But I don't want to talk to any of them, I'm too confused and annoyed right now to be asked over and over again about how things are going between Chanyeol and I. Why are they so interested all of a sudden anyway? Its not like they are looking for Chanyeol. As far as they know, he is with me, which he isn't really, but you know what I mean right?
Anyway I don't want to speak to any of them until I talk to Chanyeol first. But how will I do that? He won't answer my calls or anything. And I don't know what time he has been getting home, but I know that its late. Later than usual.
I let out a heavy sigh as I sprawl myself across the couch. "Why is he so annoying?!" I ask out loud, hoping something could give me an answer.
Then I look back to the tv, well more specifically just above the tv, where a landscape painting hangs on the wall. I'd never properly looked at it before but its quite pretty. Cute too. It shows a little girl and a boy outside and the boy is holding out a small box with a red bow on it, a present for her. There are bright green trees and flowers around them, as well as a sky blue lake behind them.
I sit up properly and turn back to my chips. "Asshole" I grunt. Not about Chanyeol but Young-min, he had probably placed that there intentionally and hand picked the painting himself.
'You must resolve your differences' his annoying voice replaying in my mind. Believe me sir I'm trying. I look back to the painting and an imaginary light bulb suddenly turns on above my head.

My Worst Enemy in SM (Exo Fanfic)
FanfictionSo what are you? You're an immensely famous, talented, and gorgeous k-pop solo artist. You risked and sacrificed everything to be where you are and worked incredibly hard for it. And now thankfully, all of that has paid off. Except for one problem...