Chapter Fifteen

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When I get back to the hospital I head for level three room 146 forgetting the elevator and deciding to try out my heel-walking skills. They aren’t actually as bad as I thought they would be. I used to think I would crash and fall breaking my neck in the process, but now dodging around visiting family I find it easy to move around in them. That is until Madeline comes around the corner knocking shoulders with me causing me to stumble and almost fall down the flight of stairs.

*Beginning of Flashback*

“I’m late, shit I’m so late!” I mumble moving my sophomore body as fast as I can up the steps. My sneakers slip and I almost fall making it even harder to keep my balance. Heels click at the top of the steps in the direction I’m heading. Please God don’t let it be Madeline, “fuck well todays just my day!” I mutter under my breath as her tall curvy frame stands at the top of the stair case.

She laughs when she sees whoever interrupted her make out session with Stephen’s older brother, once again, and pushes him out of the corridor walking towards me. I start to shake, frozen on the third step from the top I have to choices A) Run down the steps hoping to lose her in the chase or B) Try and have a serious conversation with her.

Plan A flushes down the toilet along with my chance of surviving when she puts her manicured claws on my shoulders and dig into my skin, “You know nerd-girl this is the second time you’ve caught me with my secret boyfriend and it’s time you tell me whether or not you’re going to say something.” She pauses and looks around, “But then again, who would believe poor little nerd-girl.” C’mon Paisley you said you won’t punch her in the face. You hate blood and fighting….

“You’re right Madeline, who would believe me?” I agree with her and she looks satisfied. “But then again a lot of people have caught you and if we all get together there is no way that once this gets out you’ll be powerful enough to get us all back. Think about that bitch-girl.” I say suavely slightly proud of myself not rethinking my words until her nails brought themselves out of my skin and my body flew down the twenty steps behind me.

Right as I pass out completely I hear her saying something about really screwing up this time before she ran off down the hall leaving the scene of the crime.

*End of Flashback*

Madeline doesn’t say anything about me being trashy or doesn’t repeat the sophomore nightmare to which I was in the hospital with a broken arm and fractured ribs for a few weeks. “He was mine. I may have been with his brother too, but he was mine!” is all she says before she pulls me in for a hug sobbing heavily.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me. You cheated on him for like what four years? You can’t just have everyone Madeline, c’mon be real.” I push her away lightly giving her a stern look and walking away. “Have a nice life and see you in August.” I say waving over my shoulder hearing her heels click as she finishes the stairs and opens the door.

The walk seemed to take longer as I thought about my encounter with Madeline at her most vulnerable I probably could’ve told her how much I and everyone at our school hated her and she probably just would have cried harder and shook her head. Of course Maddie knows how much people hate her; it’s just something you know. Even the most narcissistic people know when people hate them. They might think that they are all high and mighty but the fact that other people don’t like them eats at everyone.

Stephen is standing up in his room coming out of jumping jack position. He’s been trying to work out as much as he can so he’s ready for football in the fall. “Did you see Madeline?” he asks me in when I step more into his line of vision.

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