The next morning Jennifer and Ry were up early having a small conversation.
"So, what do you think? There are still towns and cities full of healthy humans but there are almost no undead, kinda kills the fun ya know?" Ry said as he chuckled.
She giggled and smiled lightly. "Yea it does." She looked into his baby blue eyes with her jade green ones "Ya know, it's hard to go through this world with all the undead and silent cities. I try my best to keep hope but...I can't. Yet somehow, some way, you make it possible for me to believe."
Ry puts his hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate that, and hopefully hope is what makes the world undead free."
She felt herself lean in as he did to. "That's true. Hope is what really makes us humans who we are. But to face this world alone without someone is hard and painful."
"You're right, we just got to stick together and make every moment count."
Their lips connected and they felt a spark. As they pulled away they looked into each other's eyes smiling. Ry was clueless on what to do next feeling a connection. Jennifer quickly backed away as she heard snarls of what sounded like one of the undead.
"W-We gotta wake the others!" She warned as she rushed inside.
Ry stood guard cocking his gun and pulling out one of his machetes.
Jennifer waked everyone and they all quickly rushed out after packing as fast as they could. The undead that was seen was a runner. It's flesh torn and dirty.
"Wh-Where is it around the house!?" Ry listens closely to determine the location.
A scream was heard but, it wasn't just some random scream. It was Jennifer's. The runner had gotten a hold of her and bit her arm. Ry takes his machete and throws it at the undead but misses by hair, then he angrily grabs his other and the machete goes right through the zombie's skull. Jennifer held her arm as Laura and Tessa helped her get away. They found somewhere safe and sat Jenn down under a tree. Ry rushes over in anxiety and anger for her life may be in peril.
"Move your hand." Laura ordered and she did. As she did so, a deep and badly infected wound could be seen. Ry walks away very pissed off at himself and yells as loud as he could. Thomas and Jared attempted to calm Ry down as the girls did the best they could to help.
"That's really bad." Tessa said as Melfina nodded in agreement. Ria looked at them and shook her head.
"Guys you have to shoot her. She's infected." Ria said with a serious look. "There is no other way."
Laura cried and sobbed loudly. "No we can't! We can't!"
"There has to be another option!" Ry says after yelling his lungs out.
Ria shook her head. "No there isn't. We have to shoot her and kill her. Either we end her pain now or watch as she suffers to become the undead." She looked at Ry. "It's your call."
"I honestly don't want to see her in pain, or dead, but if it will keep her out of long term misery, then do it." He says stuttering a little.
She nodded and cocked the gun aiming it at the poor brunette's face and said, "Any last words our dear Jenn?"
The girl nodded and replied, "I know that this apocalypse has made us who we are right now. But, a false friend and a shadow only attend while the sun rises. People don't cry because they are weak, they cry because they have been strong for too long."
Ry looks away as a tear falls from his face hidden under dirt and sweat. Ria pulled the trigger and a bullet went through the girl's head. She laid there, her eyes open and dead. Blood rushed down her forehead and past the smile that was plastered on her soft light pink lips. Ry runs in the other direction grabbing his machete lying on the ground outside the house and ran into the woods.
Thomas followed him and grabbed his arm pulling him back yelling, "Hey! Ry! We need you. Sure Jennifer is gone but we still have a chance to get back to safety. Let's just go find another vehicle and continue. Alright?"
"I have lost too many friends and loved ones to this apocalypse!"
"Dude you gotta trust us. We have no other choice. We can work together."
Ry pulls out his pistol and tries to shoot his foot but misses. "I'm done! I'm just done!" He aims the gun at his head and puts his finger on the trigger.
Thomas takes the gun away knocks some sense into him. "Come on now Ry! This is childish! Now let's go!"
The remaining seven friends headed out again. They knew it was even more dangerous but they were willing to risk it.

Zombie Holocaust
Short StoryThis story is about some teen friends trying to survive the apocalypse. But a terrifying truth is revealed at the end.