Chapter Nineteen

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"So, what really happened to you?" Jamie asked.

I let out a deep sigh and shook my head. Word got out that I was back and the first thing Jamie wanted to do was meet up for brunch as soon as possible. Without Alexandra and her baby. So I met her there and she caught me up. School was over (I'll probably have to repeat that semester), Alexandra didn't know I was back, and she came out as bisexual.

"Jamie, I was kept as a prisoner. It's not exactly something I'd like to relive anytime soon." I said staring down at wooden table.

She reached out and squeezed my hand tenderly just as the sound of someone screaming appeared. Everyone's head shot up glaring in the direction of the entrance where Andrew, Alexandra, and the baby were. Alexandra sprinted over to where we were and hugged me tightly. Andrew followed behind slowly apologizing to people while pushing the baby stroller.

"You're alive! You're here! You missed Skyler's baptism." She said frowning.

Andrew pulled out a chair for her and had her sit down. A server brought over a high chair for the baby. Once everyone was settled down, we ordered and I gave Alexandra the same lie I told my mother and Andrew.

"I'm too relieved to have you back to be mad at you." She squealed, hugging me again. 

We settled down into a calm rhythm. The five of us eating and talking like nothing changed. I met eyes with Andrew who smiled and I smiled back. Both of us were thinking how we could get used to this and maybe being normal wasn't that hard.

After brunch the five of us decided to go back to me and Andrew's house. Jamie was driving us. Alexandra, her baby Skyler, and Andrew were sitting in the back seats while I sat in the front. I looked in the rearview mirror at Andrew wiggling his fingers in front of Skyler's face. Everything was so perfect until someone drove into our lane causing Jamie to swerve off the road and into a tree.

Our bodies thankfully were held back by the seatbelt, but it didn't help the whiplash that followed. Jamie's head hit the wheel, Alexandra sat there frozen tearing up and Andrew and I sat there stunned. He was the first one who unbuckled and jumped out of the car chasing after the vehicle. I unbuckled my seatbelt next and carefully climbed out brushing the broken glass off myself. Tiny pricks of blood dotted my skin and clothes. Another car pulled over asking if we were all okay and offered to call for help. I went to the other side and opened up Alexandra's door. Skyler seemed unfazed by what just happened.

"Alex. Alexandra. Look at me, how many fingers am I holding up?" I said holding my hand in front of her face.

She looked over at me slowly then turned her attention to Skyler pulling her out of her seat and holding her close. I heard sirens in the distant so I squeezed Alexandra's arm and told her to stay put. I pulled open Jamie's door just as Andrew came jogging back.

"I lost them. But it was a silver mini van. No plates." He said panting.

I smelled the blood and I pushed Jamie's head up and saw some trickling down from her scalp. I could barely hear her heartbeat so I went into full panic mode. I looked behind me and saw that the ambulance wasn't too far away, but I was afraid they wouldn't be here soon enough.

"Andrew I need you to go home. Promise me." I said.

"Jade I'm not going to leave you again." He argued.

I put my hands on either side of his face focusing on his pulse. He shook his head and tried to pull away, but I held on tight. He squinted his eyes shut and I demanded him to keep them open and to look at me. He opened them finally and stared at me his pupils dilating and body starting to go slack.

"Go home. Don't tell mom anything about this." I said before sending him off.

He stumbled backwards a little frowning before turning around and running towards home. I let out a deep breath and ripped out the car seatbelt and picked up Jamie. Her head rolled back as I carried her towards the sidewalk just as the ambulance and police showed up. They started shouting orders at each other and asking me to move aside.

A pair of paramedics put Jamie onto a stretcher and put her in the ambulance speeding off. I saw a policeman taking Alexandra's statement and cars slowing by as they drove by us. I stood there watching everything happen around me. Another ambulance came and a paramedic asked to check me out. I sat in the back a blanket draped around my shoulders as they checked my vitals.

"Not a single scratch. Consider yourself lucky." One of them commented.

"Yeah... lucky." I mumbled.

I watched a paramedic help Alexandra out of the car her still holding her baby close to her chest. We met eyes as she went into the back of another ambulance that arrived shortly after mine did. I sat up to go talk to her, but my legs gave out and I fell into the pavement. Paramedics raced over asking if I was okay. But all I couldn't say anything as I watched the doors close on her ambulance.


"Go home. Don't tell mom anything about this." Jade said before letting me go.

I frowned trying to convince myself to stay, but my body betrayed me as it turned around and raced home. Once I got home I saw that mom wasn't here, but I had forgotten my keys in Jamie's car. I wanted to turn around to go back, but my feet wouldn't let me leave the property. I ended up hopping over the fence and going in through the backyard.

The house was completely silent as I walked into the kitchen to get myself something to drink. I had pulled out a glass from the cabinet when I heard a loud bang and a sharp pain in my shoulder. I dropped the glass and turned around seeing Angel her red hair pulled back in a ponytail and a crazy grin on her face.

"Hey baby, miss me?" She said pointing the gun at me.

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