"Morning babe, I hope you slept well. I can't wait to see you later, love you xx"Stefan:
"Morning princess, I just want to let you know that you are beautiful and I love you. I hope you have a wonderful day baby."Tyler:
"Morning babe, I hope your day goes well but I know it'll go very well because I'm picking you up later (: love you."Kai:
"You should probably get up now because it's almost noon and we both know if I don't send you this you'll never get up so get your ass out of bed. I love you ;)"Klaus:
"Good morning love, I hope you're ok I'm sorry I'm not there with you right now but I'll see you soon. Always remember that I love you no matter what. xx"Jeremy:
"Morning baby, I just want to let you know that I love you so much and I hope your day goes well"Elijah:
"Good morning angel, I hope you slept well I love you and I'll see you soon"Kol:
"Morning love, I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you so much"A/N: Kai's is my favorite. Anyways I'm sorry it's been so long I'm moving into my new house on Sunday so I'll be really busy but I'll try and update soon. Love you all so much ~sophhh ♡

TVD / TO Imagines
Fanfiction"I was feeling epic." [I own none of the vampire diaries characters]