Blake decided to hire a cook and let me have a day off. I don't know why he's doing this. As I was reading a book, he came upstairs with a bouquet of white roses. He kissed me sweetly and laid the bouquet on the bed. "You look so cute, Ann. Come on, dinner is almost ready." I smiled and walked downstairs with my husband. He escorted me to our patio and it was so romantic. Candles, flowers, and the lighting from the jacuzzi. I mean, it was lovely. My man is fantastic. "Blake, you didn't have to do all of this." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. "Anything for my baby." We sat down and the chef came out with our plates of spaghetti and garlic bread. He already had two glasses of wine sitting on the table. I took a sip and smiled. This is the best wine in the world. Blake stared at me while I enjoyed the glass. "What? It's really good." We laughed and continued to eat. Once we finished our meal, the chef came out with two plates of cheesecake. I almost lost it. They were HUGE. I thanked him and devoured my dessert. Blake laughed at how fast I ate it. "I guess you were hungry. My poor baby." We laughed and held hands. "What do you want to do before we leave for our honeymoon?" He shrugged and said, "I don't know. Coach Vinny gave me a week and a half off. That's not long enough for my babe." I smiled and looked down. "Blake, we can always have another honeymoon after the season is over, which is actually soon. They need you for post season, baby. I can wait." "Yeah, but I can't!" We laughed and he kissed my hand. "I love you, Ana. I really do. I swear, I'm the luckiest man in the world." Of course, I started to blush. He noticed and made this creepy face. "Blake, stop making that face. It's weird." He made a sad face and I laughed at how silly he is.
We continued to talk and laugh into the wee hours of the night. It was pushing 11:00 pm and Blake looked tired. "Babe, we have to go to bed. I have practice tomorrow morning. I know you're probably not tired, but, yeah. Sorry, baby." He wrapped his arms around me as we walked back into the house. "It's okay, babe. We can do this another time." He kissed the back of my head and tickled my neck with his nose. Once we got upstairs, there were rose petals leading to our room. I smiled and looked back at Blake. I opened the room door and saw rose petals all over the bed. Oh my god. "Blake, what is this?" "I wanted to make this night as romantic as possible. So, here we are. Take that dress off, girl!" He tackled me onto the bed and started kissing my neck. With ease, he took off his clothes and mine. After that, just pure pleasure.
I will post the the honeymoon soon! Don't worry. 😘 Leave comments, please. 😃