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Maddy Jo's POV


I can't believe it! We had all just graduated! If you looked at us now you probably wouldn't recognize us.

Currently, we all sat at a HUGE table at the after party for graduation. I was sweating buckets because any minute now I had to make a speech.

Suddenly, it was time for my speech.

I stepped up to the podium.

"Wow! I remember my first day, I was tackled to the ground by my roommates. I look at all of us now, and think how far we have come. We barely knew each other when we started, but now we are all like a family. Sure I'm not your model student. I may have broken peoples' noses and almost got expelled, but I know each and every one of you. I know we will all excell in life because we are the best graduates out there that you will find. We all must remember, even through really bad hardships, that we must get through it and carry on."


Awwwwwww! Don't worry! Still an epilogue to come!

~ Megan :P

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